3 INCREDIBLY Underrated Agents YOU SHOULD ABUSE in Patch 1.14 – Valorant

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0:00 Intro
0:21 Sage
1:14 QOTD
1:46 Sage: Icebox
3:26 Sage: Split
5:06 Brimstone
5:46 Brimstone: Bind
6:50 Brimstone: Haven
8:33 Skye
10:20 Outro

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38 thoughts on “3 INCREDIBLY Underrated Agents YOU SHOULD ABUSE in Patch 1.14 – Valorant”

  1. Hi! So I'm new to Valorant (previously from PS4) and I've started playing this game and I'm a complete noob, haven't even unlocked Ranked yet nor placed in a Ranked group. I've slowly started to get discouraged and frustrated with this game cause I've been constantly losing…should I give this game a longer chance???

  2. Is it okay to not have many kills when you play Sage? I mean.. She's a support, right? I rarely top fragging with Sage, infact most of the times I'm on the bottom of the scoreboard. But I did do everything on what a "support" should do.. I wall, stay behind them and heal em whenever they're low on health, res them, etc. Most of the deaths I got is from running towards them to heal, or just simply to block an entrance with my wall.

  3. what about viper her line up's for Post plant's can stall a defuse for 16 secs while combined with the Smoke Orb as long as you have a team that listens and plays well together Viper is insane for easy clutches


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