33 Secret Things in Minecraft 1.19

The new wild update 1.19 is out and you know what that means, plenty of secret things and trivia you might not have heard of. Let me know in the comments how many you knew out of 33.

(Although maybe this once it might be a lot since a couple of these are aimed towards people who are unfamiliar with the update)

➤➤ Twitter: https://twitter.com/WifiesWasTaken
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-Old warden art: https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Warden#Concept_artwork
-Mysticat sensor detector: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=369HZU008T8&ab_channel=Mysticat
-Ilmango skulk charge ducts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OSJ2n3Akws&ab_channel=ilmango

This is NOT a series called Minecraft VVSauce where I explore random features of Minecraft. Not Minecraft, but the water rises or Minecraft Manhunt but a fact based list series inspired by SkipTheTutorial (https://www.youtube.com/c/SkiptheTutorial) with secret facts and trivia you might not know


38 thoughts on “33 Secret Things in Minecraft 1.19”

  1. Is the warden a mix of the blue pink and white axolotl because of the colors does that mean that a bunch of the axles merged together and figured out how to walk and because they’re outside of water that’s why they can only smell

  2. I knew 31.5/32 out of 33. Didnt know they had a plan for the ender dragon, but I did know the Skulk catalyst didn't use it's exp. The other one was that the shrieker was modelled after the human larynx. But I love that fact, so I'm definitely gonna remember it. I already know about the different textures for the can summon and cannot summon thing, though. So thats two that I knew half of.

  3. That is not a secret that is in fact "unused concept art they posted directly to twitter" but i know standards go out the window for that watch time and click through rate


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