Cyberpunk 2077 Walkthrough Part 21 – Fixer, Merc, Soldier, Spy (UNDETECTED)

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A REAL walkthrough of Cyberpunk 2077 by veteran video gamer, Major Slack. Featuring a special MULTI-BUILD OPEN WORLD POWER START that will show you how to stockpile a ton of attribute points, perk points and most importantly, CASH (and lots of it). With the power start complete, you can then use that save game as a springboard to experiment with any number of kickass starter builds, different playstyles and alternate gameplay without having to grind through the game again.

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22 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Walkthrough Part 21 – Fixer, Merc, Soldier, Spy (UNDETECTED)”

  1. It's amazing how much levelling up we have managed before the actual story missions start. Not to mention all the kickass items. Been following a lot of cyberpunk content, none is even close to how detailed yours is. Eagerly await the videos everyday. Onwards!

  2. Worth noting that I could only get this to spawn AFTER talking to Gary the Prophet. I remember you going to see him in a previous video, that triggers a side quest, it was still showing on my map. I went, interacted with him and the new mission popped up. Only had to interact with him once though.

  3. maybe you get both(gun and mod) for stealth and 1 for anything else? Also, someone had to motion capture that pole dance. I'm just appreciating their work. What was that about Regina?

  4. U can use overheat or some other non lethal quickhack on the female security officer and still not blow the optional don't raise the alarm objective (assuming of course you don't let her see you while she's overheating, or him see her overheating). The guy has a set pattern where he wanders out to the balcony, during which time u can loot the place to your heart's content. Tested twice and worked like a charm.

  5. I don't remember what I got for the undetected bonus. The money was the same. Items you got were the Lexington and also the lousy Taipan silencer.
    I am at the start of Act 2, cleaning all the the side-missions. I am wondering if I can get V to level 50 like that, I need only 8 levels now. The save said 110+ hours so far, I got over 500.000 eddies and the only things to buy would be probably legendary Berserk and Sandevistan mods. I am aiming to have 20 Body, 20 Reflex and I already have 18 Tech and I am crafting my own legendary gear. I am still doing the 'optional' stuff for the jobs and honestly I don't see any significant bonus from that. And it's not just Regina, it's all the fixers. Sometimes the bonus is only money and if there is extra gear, then it's is usually a crap. It looks like it's good only to make fixers 'happy'.
    Oh boy, Major Slack going for the story missions. This is going to be so boring 😀


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