Shadowlands Healers RANKED! Who is strongest + most fun??

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands in only 1 month away, so today I rank the healers from WORST to BEST for the start of this expansion!

0:00 Intro
1:03 Invoke: Least Favourite
5:27 Gaining power but losing power
8:48 Good for everything (unless you like dungeons)
11:52 The one the comments are going to hate me for
15:59 The best dungeon healer
19:43 The best raid healer

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29 thoughts on “Shadowlands Healers RANKED! Who is strongest + most fun??”

  1. I played Disc last expansion but honestly I don’t want to this expansion. It’s a bit too stressful for me because it’s all proactive. While that might seem a good thing, it’s very hard to catch up.

    You need to put atonement up on targets you think will take damage. This is okay in a party, or even just on tanks, but the duration is NOT that great. So there will be times you are doing atonement damage only to realize you have not been healing anyone cause the atonement dropped off. Next is the lack of easy movement. You think feathers are decent movement but I can’t tell you how many times that has failed or I need to be doing healing instead of spending a GCD on feathers.

    Idk it seemed like a lot of indirect healing.

  2. We already had a resto sham in my new guild, so now I'm lvling a Holy Priest. I absolutely love it! Even before max level the rotation is so fun and responsive. You definitely feel like a strong important member of the team.

  3. You really nailed this, thank you! Pointed out the strengths and weaknesses of each while also pointing out what's fun and interesting. Only one thing I would add as a holy, and that is the fade skill. Yes, we are squishy and only have one save – my – skin skill. But when I play my resto druid the thing I miss the most is fade. It saves the tank so much work, and saves my life in the process 😊

  4. I think I’ve figured it out, because you aren’t the only one saying a lot of DPS specs are weak and feel bad – it’s intentional. Make tanks and heals all feel really good and DPS feel weak and you’ll shift the balance towards the bottleneck roles and hopefully queue times for everything go down. I don’t think it’s poor DPS design. I think it’s intentionally bad design.

  5. I think you underestimate resto shaman for M+. It is able to do more damage, more on demand healing and more offensive/defensive utility than disc priest. Everyone turns a blind eye to it and it blows my mind.

  6. "you might get bored" is completely subjective. I hope viewers know that lol monk and pally are gonna crush any content you do with them but thats not the message people are gonna get from this video.

  7. My guild really needs alt healers to help lower ilvl/casual players and as backups for when our raid is desperate for a healer due to someone unable to make it/mechanics. Ive been doing a ton of research (as I main dps) and this helped narrow things down. Thanks nubkeks!

  8. I still wonder why monk healers don't use soothing mist to make their vivify and enveloping mist instant cast. Also spread reneweing mist to heal every1 at once with vivify who are covered by ur renewing mist. Did i miss something there cuz it drives me crazy sometimes seeing monks wasting time on casting vivify or enveloping mist.


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