Xbox Series X Has The Best Specs

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Specs won. Gamers rejoice


42 thoughts on “Xbox Series X Has The Best Specs”

  1. Xbox had no games back then, and now it seems they've gotten the support from MS to establish itself new immersive games. I believe they got that and I don't care whatever they did before or had before and what we care about is now and now every console is starting again with this next-gen and we gonna wait till 2023 and see who had this generation.

  2. Infinity cache is only developed for Windows and not for Xbox. These bots still believes, that everything Microsoft does for Windows OS. Is something that would be something, coming for the Xbox. Windows isn’t Xbox, as much Xbox isn’t Windows.


  3. Cerny already explained why the PS5 was superior at the deep dive. It's dangerous to rely on tflops as a measure of a consoles performance aka determining what system is more powerful. He also said RDNA2 features sets are malleable so they get rid of things they don't need. SONY supercharged their system and cut the fat out. MSFT took it off the shelf without the best parts like infinity cache, smart access, or high clock speeds. MSFT had to trim those things off. Sony took out the bull and put specific tech of their own into it. They built the better and more powerful system the games are the pudding where the proof is just booming.

  4. Retard: "There is no xbox games"
    Me: Wonder what those 400 things on my XSX harddrive are, must be video apps or some shit, why would I download 400 hundred video apps, I really need to stop drinking

  5. ps5 no true rdna 2 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣 sony lied to ya'll 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣 Its not based on rdna 2 more like rdna 1.5 or less. alot of shit was cut back from what you playstation fanboys were expecting. cerny pulled the okie doke on you playstation heads. it was alot of propoganda talk to make the ps5 look like it was more then capable to compete spec wise with the series x. wait for the longterm when your gonna see the advantages that the series x is gonna have over the ps5 when these devs tap into the true rdna 2 type feature sets, as the ps5 starts lagging behind. lets call it for what it is.. sony cheapened out and cut corners on the actual ps5 components and its gonna show in the longterm. as a result im expecting a playstation 5 pro to release sooner then later to lesson the gap between the series x.

  6. Thrash this shit was known for months my nigga. We all knew Sony took out a few RDNA 2 DESKTOP features they didn’t need for there vision on the ps5 and replaced them with there own custom tech. This is why people said the ps5 has better tech.. They almost got u my nigga.

  7. NX gamer accidently exposed Digital Fraudry again, The Medium, a PS3 looking game running 790p on the SX, damn, the Last of us ran at 720p on the PS3. But ColtFraudwood still trying to downplay PS5 when he said both Console run 1080p60 mostly on AC VALHALLA 🀣🀣🀣 these Xthots are braindead AF.

  8. RDNA 2 features/tool sets are amazing, but the PS5 not being full RDNA 2 doesn't really matter I don't think. It makes sense for Microsoft to go with full RDNA 2 because Xbox Game Studios developers will have to create a game for Series S or X and port that game to PC, and that will be a easier process if both the console are using the same architecture. Sony on the other-hand is only focusing on PS5, so the custom features make sense.

    I do agree that some console fanboys, especially Xbox fanboys seem to hung up on trying to win the power narrative. As a PC gamer I don't really remember Xbox One or PS4 fanboys talking about power, teraflops, API, Direct X, etc, etc to this level we are seeing now. One thing I will praise PS5 fanboys for is they at least talk about games. If you ask PlayStation fanboys what they are most looking forward to, you will get God of War, Ratchet and Clank and HZD. If you ask the same question to Xbox fanboys, it will now be to play old games at 60 or 120fps or The Xbox GDK (developer kit) being updated.

  9. What makes me laugh is that we already knew that the ps5 has custom rdna 2 that was stripped of the utilities they didn't want in there and ran in their own custom stuff. We knew this months before the machine was released! Nothing has changed its nothing that everybody didn't already know!! And then you get joke channels like reviewtechUSA banging out their bullshit like the ps5 is underpowered! Fucking clickbait at its very best

  10. Last I checked, I've seen more trailers for next-gen (not cross-gen) exclusives from MS (Fable, Avowed, Hellblade 2, Forza Reboot, Project Mara, Perfect Dark reboot, Everwild, State of Decay 3) than Sony (Ratchet and Clank, Gran Turismo 7 and bum ass Returnal). Also while you're talking about Doom's sales, I bet you Halo Infinite sells more than Horizon and Ragnarok easily if the latter 2 even release this year.

  11. if all that mattered was TFlops sure the XBOX Series X comes out tops but as we know when it comes to consoles its the software and technique to get them games running is what counts end of the day…


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