Are Off-Meta Agents Secretly OP? – Valorant

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Today we give the argument for why playing off meta can actually be a good thing when done well. We’ll cover some downfalls of playing to the meta, the benefits of being unpredictable, and more!

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0:00 Intro
0:38 Question Of The Day
1:09 What’s “Meta?”
1:36 Why The Meta Matters
3:06 The Cost Of Playing By The Meta
5:07 Off-Meta Benefits
8:29 Side Benefits
9:16 Agent Mastery Is A Must
10:18 Conclusion

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35 thoughts on “Are Off-Meta Agents Secretly OP? – Valorant”

  1. QoTD: I really like playing Brim because unlike every other smoke in the game, you can lose a lot of time trying to set up your smokes. Brim can just drop three smokes simultaneously. Astra is the only one who can contest with the speed of his smokes but that's only if you're using stars you've already placed.

  2. QoTD: I have been playing a lot of astra and I know she is meta in higher levels of play but no one uses her in bronze so I get all lot of free kills from my whirlpool and no one really knows how to deal with a well placed ult

  3. I like to play omen cause during post plant, I like the availability of more using more angles. And I also love when I get to do some aggressive outplays sometimes.

  4. In summary:
    Meta characters are good because… well they're meta. They're _good_. But because of the fact they're meta, they become popular picks and people learn effective counters to them.
    By choosing non-meta characters which people are not used to playing against, people aren't familiar playing against them. They don't know the strats effective against that character. The only drawback is that they're not meta. They're not currently the _best of the best_.

    So most of the time, choosing non-meta characters will be beneficial to you. But if your opponent is familiar and knows the counters to your non-meta character, that's not good. But that's just something to keep in mind.

  5. I don't think unpredictability is the only reason, it could very well be the case that those agents are actually pretty op "theoretically", and no one just explored them enough yet. I remember playing 5 breach vs 5 rayna in replication ( we were rayna) and they won every single round flawless. Literally!!

  6. Me and breach have some sort of connection my best games are in breach my best k/d is in breach I feel confident in breach.. I think they underestimate me when I play breach

  7. QoTD: the first off-meta agent i like was suprisingly yoru when i 1v1 a friend i was using yoru to troll but i suprisingly won i saw his outsmarting potential so i mained him so that i can use him is someone instalocks reyna (which happends alot)

  8. Qotd: Brimstone, sometimes it feels good not having to think about repositioning yourself or your util on the other controllers. He really can help with focusing on gunplay since you don’t have to worry about that much. Still, he is not bad, other Agents are just better

  9. When i play games i usually always play the least picked agent so that they wont be noticed much by the devs and would have less chances of being nerfed. Now my favourite and my main agent is brim stone since i like the fact that he has the best mully and the best smokes in the game

  10. QoTD: I main yoru cuz he's fun and he's good (tired of people who don't know how to play the agent complain about him being trash). The outplays are just so satisfying and well frankly you can't just outplay anyone with any other agent except yoru.


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