PRESEASON 2022 NEWS: First Impressions On DRAKE + NEW RUNES & More – League of Legends

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0:00 Intro
0:19 Preseason Info
1:19 Dragon Changes
3:51 QOTD
4:09 Item Changes
8:38 System Changes
10:07 Rune Changes
11:37 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 11.22 Best support 11.22, best mid laners 11.22, best junglers 11.22, best top laners 11.22, patch 11.22 rundown, 11.22 lol, 11.22 changes, item buffs 11.22, renekton 11.22 buffs, riven 11.22 buffs, kayn 11.22 buffs, akali 11.22 buffs, kalista 11.22 buffs, varus 11.22 buffs, goredrinker 11.22 buffs, qiyana nerfs 11.22, graves nerfs 11.22, kha’zix nerfs 11.22, yuumi nerfs 11.22, maokai nerfs 11.22,

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35 thoughts on “PRESEASON 2022 NEWS: First Impressions On DRAKE + NEW RUNES & More – League of Legends”

  1. If riot is going to ask for my opinion since i play this game for 5yrs, the dragon effect should be felt in map, only cloud drake has a effect movement speed in certain area, what about the others? No impact much right, so imagine if you had infernal drake for the environment,the certain area of the map should have damage effect whenever they are in that area and all the junglemonster should be in lane since their area is burning and terrain is reduce, too bad riot dont want that,

  2. ok i play lux & rell and im STOKED for these items. ive already gotten good ar surving and doing what i have to do with them. but these items are going to make the enemy team a cakewalkkkkk

  3. QOTD. The only real change that the community needs is to ban Solo/Duo Queue as a ranking mode… this game is a 5 v 5 not a 1 v 1… if you push the community into a duo/trio queue instead, there are going to be more team play (because you are with your friends, and you don't want to troll your friends, Right?)… also ppl are going to need be friendly to get a team… if anyone wants to troll or play out of the meta, they will need a partner to do so. … Less toxic player because they are playing with friends or with ppl that has the same vision to TRY-HARD or play just for fun with a team full of Supports/tanks/Adcs… as a company they are going to get new players base that are coming with new friends to try to make their own team … they could be the next SKT T1 or Cloud9

  4. Axiom arc isn't going to be busted on every assassin – it will be strong on any AD champion who has an AoE ultimate. An expected benefactor would be Qiyana (Ult their team, get some kills, ult again) – but an unexpected one would be WUKONG

    Oh my lord Wukong is going to have 4 ults instead of 2

  5. QOTD: a rework to the inspiration tree because outside of very niche cases its practically worthless tree. The keystones are garbage because they have been gutted, the secondary runes are mostly pretty bad as well. Its just a bad tree.

  6. Ok but tank supports just sound op this new season. Glacial augment Leo/ Naut + Evenshroud -> Fimbulwinter = gg. First strike does sounds like some nice counter play for enchanters supports who can abuse the ranged mele matchup though. Looks fun 👍

  7. No one seems to be mentioning the changes to Cloud Drake at all. Was that change on purpose, because it is kinda lack luster compared to the other dragons now (even more so than before).

  8. Personally I'm glad to finally see an mythic for a fighter build of Diana. A lot of the ap item changes suit her fighter playstyle buy this mythic really opens the door and allows her a chance to be more than a 1 shot or die champion

  9. I really hate objectives bounties.

    You don't need bonus incentive to take objectives, it's a vital part of the game. This just makes games more swingy, and makes carrying even harder.

  10. One change I'd like to see is a change to Edge of Night. It used to be that you had to activate it at the right time to block CC but now it's just a better Banshee's for AD Champs. Pair that with Prowler's Claw and you basically have no way to stop a melee AD Assassin from jumping on you on repeat. It's not cool.


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