Patch 11.10 Rundown | League of Legends

I got the title wrong because the date is 5.11 so I was like, “Oh it’s the 5.11 Patch Rundown. Wait no, it’s .10, the 5.10 rundown.” It’s been fixed 😉
Intro – 0:00
Champions – 1:14
Items & Runes – 24:43
Jungle – 40:40
tl;dr – 1:10:35

Patch notes:


47 thoughts on “Patch 11.10 Rundown | League of Legends”

  1. Lee Sin is level 3 when crab spawns. Against champs who fullclear before 3:15 he will always have a level disadvantage when contesting that crab. It's a fucking unhealthy way to play.

    Lee is not a better JG than Rumble atm. If he was, we would see him in MSI. Instead, we see Rumble in the jungle while Lee has become a solo laner, because people have realized that a champ with a 3:50 leashless fullclear cant compete with champs that clear half a minute faster.

  2. Jinx rocket will only do 800 to epic monsters. Since they wanted a cap of 800 and monsters only get hit by the aoe which does 80% of the rockets damage. They gave the whole ability a 1000 damage cap to monsters. vis a vis if you hit a champ near a dragon or baron it will take capped damage of 800 should the rocket travel far enough.

  3. About handing over a camp to a underleveled support, I don't believe it can work because in the patch it's saying "When a JUNGLER is at least two levels below…"

  4. while i aknowledge that Vlad and Swain exists, mages in general has the least access to healing in the game so an MR Thorinmain might be a bit redundant in the current state of things

  5. I think the comeback mechanic is tied to the jungle item, so while donating exp to the support is definitely an interesting idea, I don't think it works in practice (please fact check this)

  6. Phreak, what are your thoughts on the lack of burn resist in the game at the moment? With the item rework league has gotten quite a few extra burn items added to the game. However, they removed the counter to said burn, Adaptive Helm. Even as someone who enjoys mages who build Liandries etc., it seems like there isn't really a way to build against the %max health burn the items provide, making it feel like there is nothing you can do against it and that these items are always a good option, no matter the team you're up against. Would something like Adaptive Helm be out of place in the current league climate, or is something else the reason why it got taken out of the game?

  7. Says rumble is weaker than lee sin at most elo at the beginning, but perspective causes people to do it.
    "We need to find a balance between turbo clear and turbo spam gankers".

    Buffs lee sin play style even tho its already stronger as mentioned by u.

  8. I've read analysis that said counter jungling becomes less efficient, because you can no longer put the enemy jungler far behind because of comeback xp. But I disagree : if camps are worth more gold, and respawn slower, that means taking your opponent's camps becomes more harmful. Probably not xp wise, but gold wise it's becoming huge. Especially if more ganking becomes prominent, those camps are going to be available more often. I was afraid at first, but if you manage to leech a bit of xp from lanes, and counter jungle whenever the enemy is on the opposite side of the map, I feel certain picks can counter the new meta pretty well, if your jungle tracking is on point.

  9. 25 minutes into the video, im stopping to comment. He just finished up talking about the champion changes. What is he going to talk about for an hour? Cant wait to find out.

  10. I'm curious if the reason darius is seeing such a significantly higher wr in plat+ is likely because he's being picked in better situations. In lower elo players definitly consider the draft less, and if they see an ashe zyra r1 r2, and you still pick darius on b2 instead of say camille ofc the champion is not going to scale well in the context of that game. I feel like a plat+ players is more likely to have the capacity to adapt to draft. would be interested to see how many games darius is picked into samira bot lane vs jinx. Clearly the champion is crippled against high dps high range adcs by virtue of being a juggernaut.

  11. the smite changes could end up being quite exciting. Opens up more steal opportunities (even when under-leved) as well as really helping some champs take skuttles

  12. Hey I don't know if you read these but your comment about an MR thornmail made me think about an idea I had for move the grevious effect on the item to the health portion so that you could buy straight health and get at least a partially effective grevious item into magic damage matchups. Just a though. I would like to hear your opinion though.

  13. "katarina winrate should go down by around 1%"
    It actually went up something like 0.3% thanks to riftmaker buffs, which is still worse than rocketbelt. Considering she's being built wrong in at least 39% of her games, her winrate is completely busted for a high pickrate & high skillcap champion.


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