Apex Legends Ranked Guide: How To Climb Solo Part 2: Gold to Platinum | Nokokopuffs Ranked Tutorial

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#ApexLegends #Tutorial #Season7

Hi Everyone! My name is Christian, and I’m a professional Apex Legends player, formerly for CLG! Today, I’m bringing you an in-depth guide for people that want to climb ranked in season 7, but don’t have people to play with! I’m going to go over how to take fights, in-game mechanics, and tricks to give you the competitive edge over your opponents! This is part 2 of the series, covering people in Gold rank, and how to get to Platinum!

Also Make sure to keep up with me on all my socials as well!




34 thoughts on “Apex Legends Ranked Guide: How To Climb Solo Part 2: Gold to Platinum | Nokokopuffs Ranked Tutorial”

  1. I agree with the legend list here at the beginning. I like playing Revenant because I really like having little/no risk high reward pushing power but in low ranks nobody on my team ever dares to even look at the ult when I place it. They may push with me but they'll do it without death protection.

  2. Not everyone ios a natural talent in aiming as u … its pretty easiy to say so much avbout the game when u have an aim like u … my aim is bad AF and i dont know how to make it better i can fullfill all u said there and dont be succesfull cause i cant hit a wraith ^^ so thats a bit subjectivly i think

  3. There are a couple of points for crypto that you might be overlooking. First, is that his ability to grab banners and rez in solo que means you can feel less pressured and help your team without going into as much danger. (much more valuable in lower rank where your team will be less organized and more hostile)
    Second, your drone is incredible bait in lower ranks. People often shoot at it whenever they see it, and third party teams that arent paying attention to their kill feed (people don't do this is lower ranks) wont realize that the shooting isnt adding up to anything. As a result you can bait a third party by getting a team to shoot at your drone.

    Third, you can use the recon points to plan better where your rotations should be.

    Finally having the ability to see how many teams are near by allows you to communicate with your team so that you can all get a better idea of how best to traverse or loot an area. Even if your team doesn't understand, you can use this information to decide how risky you would like to play along side your team, and how cautios you should be when entering new terrain.

    I definitely agree that the ult is not the best for low level solo que, but the rest of his kit is perfect for it (unless your concern is higher kill games)

  4. Sometimes you use the word rotate a lot and I dont know what it means in that context.
    Are you saying rotate and fall back ?
    Are you saying rotate as in flank the team from another angle ?
    Are you saying rotate as in push them maybe from a different angle ?

    Either ways love your in depth explanation of how you play the game.


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