The Wingman NEEDS This in Season 8.. (Apex Legends)

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The Wingman NEEDS This in Season 8.. (Apex Legends)

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22 thoughts on “The Wingman NEEDS This in Season 8.. (Apex Legends)”

  1. idk why people complaining about hemlok its still not just that easy weapon to kill, in close range u can really fucked up if u miss. Imo in this season mastiff is fcking stupid xd i clutch with this shit a lot in impossible to win situations cuz 110 hit, if u can have 50% health and kill two guys rushing into ur face its fcking stupid xD

  2. Wingman is only "underpowered" because the Hemlok is overpowered. And since it's getting nerfed, the Wingman will probably be back to meta immediately even though I still think it's a top tier gun rn. Like your argument for controller players with r99 mastiffs clapping you is not valid at all in my opinion since wingman is a mid range weapon. Both r99 and mastiff pretty bad at mid range, r99 is okay I suppose. But not nearly as good as a wingman at a longer range. Again it's just underpowered because Hemlok does wingmans job but better.

  3. They should just buff wingman base bodyshot damage to exactly 50 and make skullpiercer ignore helmets and fortified and always do exactly 99 to the head. This would make it take 1 less shot to kill to the body and make headshots more worth it and consistent. Currently skullpiercer doesnt help much late game when everyone has purples/reds and purple helmets. The wingman is outclassed in ttk and dps by pretty much every other meta gun like the r9/r3/volt/hemlok, while being way more difficult to use. I think it should be a really hard gun to use that is really powerful if you can get good with it. They should leave the fire rate and mag sizes along but adjust it so it works out to have the same dps and similar ttk as the launch wingman (maybe a little better because it is now harder to use and more punishing when you miss shots).

  4. Wingman is listed as a pistol, if they buffed wingman all weapons that supposed to be main weapon will need rework too. Even Mastiff that kinda OP right now have a weakness, you should come closer to ur enemies.

  5. I'm a decent dude with wingman. 3.4 kd 11k kill wraith. Been mining wingman ever since. I hit like 3 or 4 shots out of 8. I totally agree man. If I go againts a good player there is no way im pulling out wingman unless they are 1 shot away from dead. It's just useless to use wingman as primary unless u are synced or selly. Even then it's just underwhelming. I think they nerfed wingman on purpose. Pros were shitting on noobs back in season 3 when it had 10 mag size. Respawn loves making the game low skill based.

  6. Also ofc you lose a fight close range against a mastiff… it's a fuckin shotgun… close range is literally its specialty. A d if you lose against something that has the potential to hit for 13 three times in a row… thats you're fault. Train your aim and hit you shots. Stop complaining


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