Police Officer REACTS to The Police in Cyberpunk 2077 | Experts React

Read more about Cyberpunk 2077➜ https://cyberpunk2077.mgn.tv

Our favourite police officer is here again y’all!
Cyberpunk is the name of the game and police officer Christopher Cano is about to take us to the future and find out how police will look like in the year 2077.

Take a walk through Night City, an American megacity in the Free State of North California, controlled by corporations and gangs as homelessness abounds but does not preclude cybernetic modification for the poor, giving rise to cosmetic addiction and consequent violence.
But when the talking stops, which is quite often in 2077, NCPD will just show up!

We will analyze how the Night City Police Department works… from Spawning System and Tactical Vests of police officers to the reconstruction of crime scenes. Chris The Cop will share his expertise and his thoughts once again, on matters concerning police procedure, technology, ethics and more…
Should paramedics carry guns?
Should we have A.I crime detection?
Should we cyber-enhance police officers?

So follow this new Experts React episode and discover how thin is the border between Cyberpunk 2077 and Police today…

Christopher Cano:
Chris THE COP: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFMC

2 soundtracks from the great Shortwire:

#Cyberpunk2077 #Police #ExpertsReact
Check out some of our past videos!

Police officer REACTS to the STORY of Sleeping Dogs | Experts React

Police Officer Playlist:
Thanks to Thekillergreece and FirstThirtyMinutes for the gameplay
Thekillergreece: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBZhNdMCfw1hwiVx0gARJQA
FirstThirtyMinutes – Police Video Games and Mods: https://www.youtube.com/user/FirstThirtyMinutes
Up In My Jam (All Of A Sudden) by – Kubbi https://soundcloud.com/kubbi
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0
Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/2JnDfCE
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/tDexBj46oNI
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44 thoughts on “Police Officer REACTS to The Police in Cyberpunk 2077 | Experts React”

  1. I disagree on police wearing more and more tactical gear. I think police officers should look more like civilians, to instill calm into the population and be able to reason and defuse without intimidation. Cops should be more “us” than “us and them” and the excessive use of long rifles and tactical gear makes them feel too much like an occupying army than a civil servant. Of course their training should be superb and their concealed weapons of the finest available. Speak softly and carry a big stick friends.

  2. I wonder if they explained to him that V is technically deputised being that he is a "NCPD subcontractor" in the game meaning he is kind of allowed to get involved and help Officers

  3. why in the fuck would you want to help someone getting shot or mugged? Or in any crime for that matter? that is the police job. I call them. even working at a store they say call the police when shit goes down. I'm not about to risk my life and leave my wife and daughter with no husband/father because I wanted to play super hero. be glad people are taping, at least you can get footage and go get the people. Also since everyone is being recorded, people are less likely to act a fool. You guys have the training and gear. I have a phone and my car keys.

  4. 5:23 another lie. what's the priority call for a black man minding his business? i've seen videos of black people committing no crimes, not resisting, or at least in handcuffs and like 10 cops show up for one black person. FOH

  5. i have been shooting every weekend for almost 7 years now and i have been shooting for 15 years now. it is a very useful tool for law enforcement. however i can’t stress this enough to new officers. your gun a last ditch effort.

  6. 9:29 that's not the point and he knows it. he knows that if commons sense gun reform was done, that worry would go away. he knows that if people were meant to train with firearms and have proper discipline with them then that concern wouldn't apply. more guns = more guns. there is no such thing, crime goes down or shit won't pop off. that makes no sense and he knows that.

  7. 11:05 so he wants people to intervene in police matters? so what, the cops can then shoot them? so let's say a cop is harassing a black kid and threatening him. so what you want to have happened is that neighborhood comes and defends that black child from the cop? yall know what happens next right?

  8. This game is kind of a stretch for a cop to react too, the police aren't fleshed out at all. They are pretty much just another faction you might fight on occasion. The best you have is some of River's quests but that's more detective work.

  9. All the cyberware are normalized in 2077, it would take at least a decade to normalize some things. So the cyberware implanting probably started in the 2060's. So we're actually closer than you think.

  10. Only in US though that you need to consider to arm the first responder. The rest of us are still doing the same thing just fine. Maybe you should considered more restriction to gun possession laws like the rest of the world?

  11. If the whole country was armed with guns, shootings would barely happen cause shooters would know they would be dead within seconds.
    But you know…"if we take the guns away, criminals won't have guns."

    If thats not the most bogus thought process


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