Explaining Transient Resin and How it Works | Genshin Impact

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33 thoughts on “Explaining Transient Resin and How it Works | Genshin Impact”

  1. Since that shop resets weekly, it should be 1 per week, which means 60 extra resin per week. It's basically free so its not bad, and this is just a start they will add more things later on.

  2. iirc from the 1.5 stream, the max amount of transient resin you can buy per week is only one :/ but mihoyo did say they're gonna keep upgrading the teapot realm so hopefully in future patches they'll increase the limit to 3-5 per week

  3. I just reached rank 6 on reset today and I can confirm it looks like we can only buy 1 per week. Yeah it’s rough… I’ll post a picture of it in the discord if someone has not already

  4. me: hmmm i wonder how many we can buy transient resin for a week. Maybe 4 times ?
    Mihoyo : ay lmao you can bought this once a week suck it suckers lolololol

  5. Personally not at the point in the game where resin is a problem (ar 38 where I am at rn) but this does help In preparing for that ty

  6. I just hope the artifact energy you unlock at lvl.8 (which I still find absurd, considering you unlock the Serenitea at ar35 or so) will be a reliable help in upgrading artifacts – it is becoming way too boring to farm the "daily artifact route" in the overworld, expecially considering how low it is worth in the end…

  7. MHY aren't dumb. There's no way they thought 1 per week would make anyone happy. I suspect this is a psychological tactic so when they up the cap/reduce the cost/whatever, it'll be like "see guys, it could be worse"

  8. You have bp has some fragile for free and you can save up,why you need resin tarnishing resin.

    i finally reached 10k energy,next week my teapot will reach lv5,i can unlock new area.

  9. Just reach rank 6. I’m not going to buy resin yet till I max everything and getting housing achievement 1st. Not sure if 3 areas would give 30 coins each in a hour or just one of them only


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