IT'S ABOUT TIME! Xiao vs Ganyu – DPS SHOWDOWN! Genshin Impact

Xiao vs Ganyu is finally here! I put a lot of thought and research into this video and did my best to represent both characters as fairly as I could. I hope you enjoy it!

Check out who was gracious enough to let me show you guys his speedun!



22 thoughts on “IT'S ABOUT TIME! Xiao vs Ganyu – DPS SHOWDOWN! Genshin Impact”

  1. Idk why this vid exists , its pretty obvious that ganyu is well above xiao , due to access to melt , while you can do 1 shots with ganyu (keep in mind that we don't even have a good pyro support for her ) , xiao cannot one shot. But from f2p perspective (ie lvl 70 chars ) xiao can do more I believe. It's a cool vid but I think it's pointless,other then the cool show case

  2. Lol! Too much Ganyu simps in the comment section making excuses as to why Xiao's dmg output is comparable to Ganyu and she should be much faster if he equipped this or did this or that.

  3. All i see is a bunch of idiots in the comment section fighting over who is the best, ffs they both are great characters and have their pros and cons. Games are supposed to have fun, so pick the character you like because at the end of the day that's what matters the most.

  4. I don't have C6 Xiao (and would never bother whaling that hard lmao), but I feel like you could circumvent his problem a bit by not spamming multiple Es. It's 1x E charge per 2x enemies plunged, right? So wouldn't the fight be E > E > E > Ult > Plunge > E > Plunge > E > repeat until ult is over? I feel like the janky targeting would be sorted when you don't need to hope they don't rubberband you into space (the first dash mostly goes where you want it to) and it wouldn't be much of a DPS loss, since the A1 passive has a 10 second timer to it and you're not really losing DPS unless you overcap your charges, right?

  5. Just curious, how much does ganyu c1 and c4 affect these videos? I know that your ganyu is c0 and that you dont use the instant frostflake arrow from her c6, but c1 and c4 do increase damage taken by enemies after consecutive arrows and under influence of her burst.


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