Top 5 Mistakes I see AR 55+ Players Make ALL THE TIME | Genshin Impact

0:00 – Intro
0:23 – What Kind of Mistakes do PPL Make
1:00 – #1 Rookie Mistake
3:45 – #2 Rookie Mistake
5:30 – #3 Intermediate Mistake
6:07 – #4 Advanced Mistake
9:49 – #5 Advanced Mistakes

Dmg Video –
Artifact Video –

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43 thoughts on “Top 5 Mistakes I see AR 55+ Players Make ALL THE TIME | Genshin Impact”

  1. Might be worth pointing out an easy mistake to make which is not waiting to collect same color energy particles and swapping characters too soon. This triples your energy recharge which is huuuge

  2. nah man favonius lance works best on zhongli since it not only recharges him but also the rest of the team too (also i got no other spears anyway)

  3. One more mistake i see is people not building a subdps. They completely focus on main dps and ignore subdps. At late game your main dps is not enough. You should be investing on your subdps Like fischl xinqui albedo beidou kaeya.

  4. I feel lazy once I reached ar55 tbh. I only use my resins to lvl up my characters’ talents and remaining weapons. I’m tired of farming artifacts. Other than that, repeat the abyss to get better stars and chopping woods. My play time went down drastically, I only play 2 hours a day these days. Once Inazuma drops, I’m going to take my time exploring instead of speedrunning it.

  5. My issue is no resin. Trying to get books to lvl up zhongli and yanfei and others. Then weapons. I always run out of the bs to lvl up weapons. Then I hve shit artifacts with garbage stats and the decent ones have shtty rolls all the time..Then I need talent books. There not enough resin to even focus on 1 charachter. Theres jus not enough resin to do anything in 1 day. It take me weeks n I play everyday. Today's my bday, and thinkin they would give me atleast 300 primogems they gave me a 🎂 sovenigner that does nothing and 1 fragment resin. Anyways resin is garbage in this game and you gotta wait more than half the day to play again.

  6. im ar43 and my friends (literally almost all childe-mains, i am the only 4-star main in my whole friend group) keeps telling me: "bro you main razor how do you deal more dmg than me" and yadayadayada

    i asked them to put their main on their character showcase

    I take a look at them and lvl 60, 70 weapons, level 3 – 5 talents.

  7. I seem to be the rare case of focusing on weapons and mats since mid game and leave certain artifact pieces that I feel need improvement on +16 for a long ass while because the last 4 lvls are so costly. Sadly am also very unlucky and only got a SAC sword just recently, and still have no Fav Lance even tho i have been playing for 6 months.

    Thankfully I knew all these tips already~

  8. As you farm more artifacts, you'll realize that farming weapon ascension or talent materials is much more promising than artifacts. I don't mean artifacts farming is not good but it's a pain in the ass. I have been farming artifacts for Hutao since second day of her banner and I still don't get good artifacts for her even after 1.4.

  9. Sacrificial greatsword is actually really good on a support chongyun. Not for the energy recharge but so you can use his skill more often. Chongyun should only really be used as a support anyway.

  10. While this is true for AR55 people. This is not true for noobs who just started a new character. In order of importance: getting your artifacts feather to +16 (weapon only matter once you get a few +Attack % artifact, but the feather is flat Attack), get your character/weapon to level 60, get your talents to all +4, get the rest of your artifacts to +16, get your talents to all +6, get your character/weapon to level 80, get all your artifacts all to +20, and only then get your weapon to level 90. After this, all that available to get stronger is weekly drop for +7, +8 etc talents and substats artifact farming; which reach the hardcore players region.

    the increase from 80-90 weapon is the last step that most F2P players because it is not the most efficient use of resin for a level 1 character. I would rather have a level 1 weapon with +16 artifact sets than level 90 weapon with +1 artifact set.

  11. The amount of energy recharge also depends on the burst cooldown. If a character constantly has to wait for the burst cd because said character always has enough energy, then that character clearly has too much energy recharge and should invest in other stats.

  12. I put way too much resin into character levels and talents thinking I could at least trade the weapons around, lol
    but w/ so many different character builds this doesn't work…

  13. No worries for Hu tao u dont need based attack stat so much on her because her based attack is really low in the game because her Attack is increase by her E the more HP she has xD


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