WHY MIHOYO I HAVE SO MANY?! Staff Of Homa Summons! Genshin Impact

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42 thoughts on “WHY MIHOYO I HAVE SO MANY?! Staff Of Homa Summons! Genshin Impact”

  1. "Wow look a weapon banner where it is actually worth summoning on"
    Proceeds to get nothing but Wolfs Gravestones and Lions Roar.
    Man fuck these weapon banners they are straight up scams regardless of Whale or F2P status

  2. Funny how every youtuber I watch desperately wants staff of homa and don't want wolf's gravestone, whereas I actually don't want staff of homa and want wolf's gravestone. I ended up pulling 3 staff of homa and no wolf's gravestone. Same luck I had on the last banner with the gravestone on it. Every time I get 5* weapons they are always spears

  3. I wanted a wolf's gravestone for my beidou because I wasn't gonna bother pulling hu tao, but I got the staff of homa as my first 5 star as a pity and was like ok nope, done

  4. So something that a lot of people dont seem to get is that it is not guaranteed that the featured weapons are 50/50. Yes the banner and patch notes say that it is a 75% for a featured weapon, but they do not clarify how much of that 75% is for the individual weapons. So for all we know, the staff could be at 5% while wolfs gravestone is at 70%. They never clarified, all we know that it is 75% for one of these weapons which is why it is a trap. But in the famous words of DS, I am not your parent, do whatchu want. Just a little heads up of the banner and its rates


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