Bethesda Just CONFIRMED Elder Scrolls 6's Location & No One Is Talking About It

While confidence in Bethesda is rather low, I was surprised that years ahead of its release Elder Scrolls VI is receiving a significant tease which can guide loads of speculation, but outside of the respective community there hasn’t been much chatter. A lot of signs are pointing Starfield being closer to done, but that may just be wishful thinking. Let’s dissect and discuss.
Mass Effect Trilogy Remaster Had A HUGE Leak:


#elderscrolls #bethesda #starfield


26 thoughts on “Bethesda Just CONFIRMED Elder Scrolls 6's Location & No One Is Talking About It”

  1. Sorry this news video dropped late. I originally had this video scheduled for last Monday, but due to Star Wars/KOTOR, Indiana Jones by Machine Games, and Cyberpunk (twice) it got bumped back. Sorry about that! What do you make of Elder Scrolls 6's location? Lore nerd responses only!

  2. Of course it's Hammerfell. It is the age of BLM coming off of the bullshit that has been pulled in all of 2020. I don't know if you have been watching any media lately, but this was the only direction that any of them are going to go.

  3. “Look at skyrim the. Look at fallout 4 and 76”?
    Thats your way of saying they favor elder scrolls???

    Theyre 5-7 years apart. Theyve been milking skyrim since its launch. Its still 60 on switch i believe. Theyre gonna botch elder scrolls like fallout

  4. "No One Is Talking About It" : From what Ive been able to dig up within my social circle…it seems there is little faith that it will be good and/or the release date is very far off so most aren't really looking at it atm.

  5. …I thought we already knew it was gonna be in Hammerfell? I do know that this will be the first TES game where I don't buy it right away. Bethesda's recent behavior plus them being bought out by Microsoft? I want to see it before I buy it and I want to know how bad the monetization is gonna be. I may give it a miss entirely.

  6. While Bethesda has lost my trust with fallout 76 I don't think they would want a repeat with elder scrolls. Though I really don't trust Microsoft and hope their influence doesn't ruin the game. I hope their influence is good.


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