Hitman 3 is AMAZING on PSVR! | PS5 Livestream (SPOILER WARNING)

I have been enjoying the hell out of Hitman 3. It’s a little tough to stream as it requires so much focus, but allow me to show you why it’s so awesome!

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9 thoughts on “Hitman 3 is AMAZING on PSVR! | PS5 Livestream (SPOILER WARNING)”

  1. Love my PS5.. BUT… I wish Sony made the adapter easier to access.. should be in electronics at a store ..’or heaven forbid… amazon .. I tried doing the form with the serial number .. it never came .. i had disconnected the PS4 pro and PSVR to make room for the giant ugly ass ps5.. I don’t feel like they are going out of their way with next generation PSVR access .. they should include the option on PS5 games as well.. rather than having to go online “bad WiFi “🤬 I have the PS5 version of Hitman 3.. and so far it’s my fav besides the first Hitman

  2. Has anyone noticed little green dots like dead pixels in this game? I get a horizontal line in the middle of the screen of about 4 to 6 dots flashing green on and off. It is mainly visible in dark areas of the Hitman game. I have played some of my other PSVR games to see if it is an issue with the headset but all other games seem fine, it only happens in hitman 1,2 and 3 in VR. I cant see it happening in this video but my laptop screen quality isn't the best.


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