2 BEST Champions To MAIN For EVERY ROLE in Patch 10.19 – League of Legends Season 10

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Patch 10.19 (WORLDS PATCH) comes with changes to champions like Aphelios, Azir, Twisted Fate, Caitlyn, Talon, Udyr, and many others.

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Concepts: Best ADC 10.19, Best support 10.19 best mid laners 10.19, best junglers 10.19, best top laners 10.19 patch 10.19 rundown, 10.19 lol, 10.19 changes, Azir nerfs 10.19, Twisted fate nerfs 10.19, Caitlyn nerfs 10.19, Senna nerfs 10.19, Nunu nerfs 10.19, Talon nerfs 10.19, Ahri buffs 10.19, Sivir buffs 10.19, Vayne buffs 10.19, Aphelios buffs 10.19, Sylas buffs 10.19, Ivern buffs 10.19, Udyr buffs 10.19, Irelia buffs 10.19,

0:00 Intro
0:35 QOTD
1:30 Samira
2:35 Top lane
2:39 Garen
3:42 Malphite
4:46 Recap Top lane
4:53 Jungle
4:57 Nunu and Willump
5:56 Warwick
6:50 Recap Jungle
6:57 Mid-Lane
7:01 Rumble
8:14 Annie
9:00 Recap Mid-lane
9:08 Bot-Lane
9:12 Jhin
9:59 Ashe
10:49 Recap Bot-Lane
10:56 Support
10:59 Lux
11:50 Sona
13:03 Recap Support
13:10 Outro

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25 thoughts on “2 BEST Champions To MAIN For EVERY ROLE in Patch 10.19 – League of Legends Season 10”

  1. Not sure about top and mid, Garen will just feed more against Riven, Riven and irelia will eat as snacks those top picks, Fiora Camille even LeBlanc are much better, Evelynn is still the queen of jungle, Olaf and Elise are good too, Warwick is useless against a good Evelynn and Nunu is fun to play but can get short against Evelynn as well, you top and mid picks are just garbage and the rest are just ok because why play them instead of Yone or Yasuo? Sorry but this video is a waste of time 😑

  2. I absolutely hate the way the game plays right now.. it’s just super annoying that the easiest to play champs also end up being the best champs in the game. I really believe that difficult champs should be bette than easy ones. That doesn’t mean they should always win against easiest champs, but hard champions should always have something that makes them better than easy champions, even if it’s only a slight difference. Obviously that’s like a perfect world situation so it’s impractical, but it’d be nice, hard champs shouldn’t feel weak when you’re doing everything properly

  3. Now that samira is finally released on the live servers i could get my hands on her and played a couple of rounds.
    My thoughts on her are that shes obviously very strong especially in the early-mid Game.
    Samira seems to be quite the lane Bully but i guess she will perform quite poor (like unser 50% wr) in solo q since she kinda is hard to play in teamfights.

  4. Lot of silvers saying samira is OP not understanding all you have to do is just hit her with literally any cc and she's dead, her range is tiny her only mobility requires an enemy champion and isn't a very good dash anyway. Her options for playing fights are extremely limited if she isn't snowballing like crazy (and even if she is 5v5's are still really hard if you are trying to hard carry a bad team). She's a low elo pubstomper like Yi or old Kat, but easily countered by players with a brain.

    If someone can come up with some sort of defence/offence hybrid build where she's just tanky enough to make through a fight maybe some mid lane cheese or something that's where I see her potentially getting more broken, I just don't see her being effective as an ADC and building full damage against competent players.


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