3 BEST Champions To MAIN For EVERY ROLE in Patch 10.25 – League of Legends Preseason 11

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0:00 Intro
0:22 QOTD
0:30 Top Lane
0:36 Quinn
2:14 Volibear
4:04 Yorick
5:40 Recap Top
5:50 Jungle
5:54 Ivern
7:11 Taliyah
8:27 Fiddlesticks
9:39 Recap Jungle
9:49 Mid-Lane
9:54 Malzahar
11:58 Anivia
13:39 Tristana
15:15 Recap Mid
15:24 Bot-Lane
15:29 Ashe
16:43 Cassiopeia
18:13 Ziggs
19:52 Recap Bot
20:00 Support
20:06 Zilean
21:25 Nami
22:56 Zyra
24:06 Recap Supp
24:17 Conclusion
24:32 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 10.25, Best support 10.25 best mid laners 10.25, best junglers 10.25, best top laners 10.25 patch 10.25 rundown, 10.25 lol, 10.25 changes, preseason 11, preseason 11 items, mythic items lol, legendary items lol, Sunfire Aegis nerf 10.25, Frostfire Gauntlet nerf 10.25, Turbo chemtank nerf 10.25, Seekers armguard nerf 10.25, THe collector nerf 10.25, Lethality nerf 10.25, Muramana nerf 10.25, Immortal shieldbow buff 10.25, Galefore buff 10.25, Kraken Slayer buff 10.25, Rapidfire cannon buff 10.25 Infinity edge buff 10.25, bandleglass mirror buff 10.25, imperial mandate buff 10.25, moonstone renewer buff 10.25, Shuelia’s Battlesone buff 10.25, Locket of the iron solari buff 10.25, Zeke’s Convergence buff 10.25, Luden’s tempest buff 10.25, Everfrost buff 10.25, Kayle nerf 10.25, Kayn nerf 10.25, Fizz nerfs 10.25, morgana nerfs 10.25, Annie nerfs 10.25, Galio nerfs 10.25, SAmira nerfs 10.25, Jhin nerfs 10.25 Anivia buffs 10.25, pantheon buffs 10.25, Talon buffs 10.25, Warwick buffs 10.25, Wukong buffs 10.25, rengar buffs 10.25, lulu buffs 10.25, taliyah buffs 10.25, Twitch buffs 10.25 Mordekaiser buffs 10.25, Qiyana buffs 10.25, Karthus buffs 10.25, Nidalee buffs 10.25, Lee sin buffs 10.25, Gragas buffs 10.25, Ivern buffs 10.25, Nasus buffs 10.25, Seraphine buffs 10.25, yasuo buffs 10.25, yone buffs 10.25,

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43 thoughts on “3 BEST Champions To MAIN For EVERY ROLE in Patch 10.25 – League of Legends Preseason 11”

  1. Noone mentioned neeko, she is too powerful early game, ans mid game….by late game her ult can give 1200 burst damage and if enemies are bunched up she can do pentakills so easily…. she is so powerful and underrated and she is good at decepting the enemy

  2. Seraphine(Mid): Her early game is garbage but once you hit mythic she really begins to shine and can destroy team fights if you position properly. I'm officially a one trick now.

  3. Everytime I have seen a Quinn I beat her out with AP Nasus so I never seen Quinn as a good pick to ever go for. Yorick is just a husk of what he used to be and I want old Yorick back where He absolutely controlled lane and top side of the jungle.

  4. HI I have a question. I am also playing a lot of ivern jungel but i cant buy spellthiefs edge after buying the jungel item. Is there a trick for that or something? tried some things in custome game but have no clue whats the problem. and the pros buy spellthiefs edge all the time so it is posible somehow. do i sell the jungel item after the second back or somehitng like that?

  5. Skarner is op with Turbo Chemtank. Nobody gives him any love. Really had to chase him down thanks to phase rush, spires, movespeed items, and w active. Tanks a ton of damage with loads of cc in his kit along with being a good dueler early game.


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