THE ANSWER TO EKKO… MALZAHAR! – Climb to Master S11 | League of Legends

So Ekko has been a trigger point for me so far in S11 (and even before that) and a lot of my champions don’t seem to do to well into him so… I’m testing out Malzahar to see if he is the answer. I think I’m just going to ban out Ekko from now on so don’t expect the return of my Malz. Like, Comment & Subscribe! League of Legends Malzahar Mid Gameplay.

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THE ANSWER TO EKKO… MALZAHAR! – Climb to Master S11 | League of Legends


40 thoughts on “THE ANSWER TO EKKO… MALZAHAR! – Climb to Master S11 | League of Legends”

  1. QOTD – I’m banning the new champ bc in lower Elo people either don’t know how to play against him or just auto lock him in my ranked so they can “finally play him” and int

  2. QOTD: I'm used to banning Yone when mid or Yuumi or Pyke when adc.
    But lately since I started playing Ahri i'm just banning Kassadin. It's just scary when even if i'm doing well, he has such an easy time carrying if the game ends up a bit too long.
    Allthough I should probably start banning Kayn. This champ is too much.

  3. I just ban Mord every game, I just don't like his design. He feels fairly brain dead and easy to do fine on and even if he's bad he can always force a duel. He's made so many of my junglers die in his ult and feed him double buffs I've pretty much gotten ptsd from that thing.

  4. QOTD: Admittedly, I ban Master Yi. I just play draft for fun so my player base doesn't know how to deal with Master Yi at all, therefore, ban the stupid running champ.

  5. QotD: Don't play ranked so I don't have a ban, but personally, I've seen Fizz do REALLY well, so I'd probably ban that. As far as Ekko is concerned, remove either the locking port, or the dash of the E, and IF the healing from the ultimate can be balanced, make it do a percentage of his hp not give him back everything he had( I don't remember the passive specifically) like 5 seconds earlier.

  6. I main mid, specifically control mages. Because Neeko is in my champ pool (my main rn), melee champs aren't the worst, but I will always perma ban Fizz. Way to slippery and even if I play safe, I can't guarantee my teammates will as my champs can't really follow his roams.


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