THE LAST PLACEMENT GAME… DARIUS – Climb to Master S11 | League of Legends

Today we’re playing Darius top in our final Season 11 placement games! It’s PoV style and I wanna know if you guys like this type of thing every now and then, they help me climb as I can purely focus on gameplay. Like, Comment & Subscribe! League of Legends Darius Top Gameplay.

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THE LAST PLACEMENT GAME… DARIUS – Climb to Master S11 | League of Legends


47 thoughts on “THE LAST PLACEMENT GAME… DARIUS – Climb to Master S11 | League of Legends”

  1. Cho'gath maxes his q in matchups that aren't ideal since it gives him cd's, damage from range and options for disengage.

    Maxing E gives more dueling power in drawn out 1v1s where he has a chance.

  2. I prefer this format, when you're focusing more on climb and less on commentary 🙂
    P.s. question from a n00b, what you guys think about tank killer. Whos stronger against tanks, vayne or kai sa? 🙃

  3. I had a couple 8 minute AFKs in my placements and got P2 70 LP and was livid. I think I finished 6-4. Feels bad when half your loses are AFK and I almost won the one game… semi rant.

  4. I think mitigated losses need to step up their games, our jungler dc'd at 5 min for some reason and never came back and we ff'd and i got -8 instead of -11, like ok thanks xd?
    Also my gf has over 1m points on ahri, it's her fav champion and she only has fun playing her (has been doing so for the past 4 years). I also have almost 600k on my fav champion, and if anything I find it quite boring to play lots of random champions like huzzy did (until now), it feels so much more fun to focus on one champion and try to identify and fix mistakes with each game. I'm not a one trick but I often tend to spam a champion for 10+ games, I find playing a different champion every game is sloppy and boring

  5. love the commentaries. maybe even more than the streaming ones. As for the champion balance…..ughhhh….. I'm so tired of the same 7 champions in every game. Its becoming so boring to play with/against but they're so broken/overpowered that it's silly not to pick them if they aren't banned.

  6. Firstly, I really like the replay format.

    Secondly, I think you could have built darius better in this matchup. Phase rush would have negated his slows and maybe given you a window.

    Also, something I've been trying against tanks is HoB with BoRK rush. It can deal with their high HP and gives me a window to win short trades (which is mainly where tanks shine compared to darius). If you see this I'd love to hear your thoughts on it!

  7. With the focusing the tank thing I completely agree, when I play Darius I hate it when my team says to focus the enemy ADC I'm like ah yes let me walk through the enemy Leona and Garen that's a great idea.

  8. Kai’Sa “helped” killing you by dying with her red buff and giving it to khazix , now every damage that you get from the red buff will be credited to KaiSa
    I learned this a week ago 🙂

  9. Exactly there's something called (Front to back teamfighting) so sometimes ye u shouldn't focus the Adc and u actually kill the front line 1st to open up the teamfight specially if their Adc isn't strong and urs is ! so it's better to get the tanks 1st and protect ur Adc instead of killing theirs .

  10. Hey there! i gotta admit this might be the first vid of yours i have watched, but you mentioned you were trying out a new format? and gotta say i love this one, more like this and I'll be sure to come back 😀

  11. Just a tiny tip, when in clutch momemts dont auto attack after hitting your e, use q . This will make sure you hit your q since the enemy champ is in the knouck up animation. And darius is not weaker, now its more about items, on a cc heavy game, try blackcleaver and turbo chemtank, the tenacity is so good and the tank stats help darius to survive till he gets the passive.

  12. i’ve been having a lot of success at low elo eith garen. something about his kit makes me feel more 1vX capable, and i find that i can control lane better early with his ridiculous sustain.

    darius is always in the back of my mind tho. i feel like his cieling is higher and if i master him i’ll be able to carry games consistently. watching your combos helps me, but i need a better understanding of how to stack his passive on enemies. any garen mains looking to convert?

  13. At the beginning i didn’t realize you were commentating and not playing. I was really amazed at how you were commentating the play and managing to play at the same time lol


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