UPCOMING PANTHEON CHANGES: Support NERFED + Solo Lanes BUFFED – League of Legends Patch 10.25

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0:00 Intro
0:32 Pantheon as a Supp
2:04 Pantheon´s Kit and MS changes
3:00 Q changes
3:27 W changes
3:45 E changes
4:29 R changes
5:02 Final thoughts
6:06 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 10.23, Best support 10.23 best mid laners 10.23, best junglers 10.23, best top laners 10.23 patch 10.23 rundown, 10.23 lol, 10.23 changes, preseason 11, preseason 11 items, mythics items lol, legendary items lol

Concepts: Best ADC 10.24, Best support 10.24, best mid laners 10.24, best junglers 10.24, best top laners 10.24 patch 10.24 rundown, 10.24 lol, 10.24 changes, preseason 11, preseason 11 items, mythic items lol, legendary items lol, Ludens tempest nerf 10.24, Liandries Anguish nerf 10.24, Night Harvester nerf 10.24, Riftmaker nerf 10.24, Hextech Rocketbelt nerf 10.24, Lichbane nerf 10.24, Demonic Embrace nerf 10.24, Nashors tooth nerf 10.24, Eclipse nerf 10.24, Blade of the Ruined King nerf 10.24, Tear of the goddess buff 10.24, AP junglers buff 10.24, Kraken Slayer buff 10.24, Essence reaver buff 10.24, Phantom dancer buff 10.24, Moonstone renewer buff 10.24, prowlers claw buff 10.24, serpents fang buffs 10.24, Kayle nerf 10.24, Samira nerf 10.24, Hecarim nerf 10.24, Tryndamere buff 10.24

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45 thoughts on “UPCOMING PANTHEON CHANGES: Support NERFED + Solo Lanes BUFFED – League of Legends Patch 10.25”

  1. QOTD: STFU and listen here. If there isn't a hotfix to gp in the next week then I'll run it down on every one of my accounts and make new accounts so I can keep making your game worse. I really can't wait to see no buff so I can completely waste all of the time in my day just to make your game worse.

  2. Riot just doesn’t get it. This isn’t gonna take him out of support it’ll just change the game plan. Instead of hard shoving and poking to dive, they’ll just freeze the way and poke to hell till they can engage with ult or gank and now he can poke even easier with lowered cost and cd of Q. The most perplexing thing is this is so obvious to me I don’t see how riot wouldn’t have thought of this

  3. That’s kinda stupid, it’s like the only champ who’s well balanced, like come on can we get a rework mundo, like man, make me want to uninstall, it like they take more work in making a champ unplayable we still have over 30 champs who are just useless, kyan is like a god in jungle waiting to constantly gank anyone in tower range just for the fun of it. >:c foira is a uter monster next to kayle, no more late games more like 21mine until it’s her game. Took me forever to find my jg items, than take forever to sell my items while they attacking my nexus man my face rushing to sell my items to buy one item just to find out I sold the wrong item >:c just at base like mother fu- defeat

  4. All they had to do was make the tower block only for empowered E and maybe make the stun weaker earlier but slightly stronger or at the same level later. They didn't have to do all that. Thanks a lot pantheon supports…

  5. I agree with some of the bros down there, Pantheon needs scaling and survivabilty to actually profit in sending him top. Also it sucks that he cant soak up tower shots, it ruin his identity for sure

  6. Nah I’m glad they’re killing panth support number one it was dumb and needed to go to begin with and number 2 he wasn’t being shown any love in the mid lane because these league players were abusing panth support it was honestly bs so I’m glad this is happening

  7. I feel like removing his ability to tower dive as safely as he used too is a mistake if they want to make him a top laner. with the sunfire items and the tank meta i feel like Pantheon will get eaten alive, especially since he can only really build either lethality or on hit. He is an early game champion and will only fall off faster once a tank stacks armour against him. I personally feel like Pantheon would be so much stronger as a mid laner since you can use his ult to easily gank both top and bot. He might be able to do okay against bruisers like Irelia and Riven but bruisers havent been in the top lane meta for so long I dont think he is going to do all that great. He feels more like a mid laner too me. He is just going to get out sustained and fall off faster in top lane

  8. i feel like theyre just gutting pantheon as a whole. i dont even like the guy. but at least give him some treatment that makes him feel like an actual toplaner.
    remove the empower w triple strike so the pta problem botlane is no more. EZ fix.
    now just give his empower w percent armor reduction so it doesnt work on adcs and he can actually do something against armor stackers in toplane.
    the e towershot block was needed so dont just leave his empower q high and dry now after u remove the slow, a 1 second cd reduction? Really? whats the point if he has no reason to use it over and over like a wukong q.
    give empower q a bit of lifesteal or something. just my thoughts after watching a few pantheon OTPS quit after the changes.


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