DGA Overviews: Medieval Dynasty – Top Ten Tips for the Early Game

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PC Specs: Windows 10, Intel Core i9-9900X CPU @ 3.5 GHz, GeForce RTX 2060 Super, 16 GB RAM

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16 thoughts on “DGA Overviews: Medieval Dynasty – Top Ten Tips for the Early Game”

  1. buy cabbage from Baranica (and manure from gostovia), and plant in spring and again in summer. then with meat make potage in the cauldron.
    investing a few hundred coins in a farm early on, will allow you to make a lot of money and food later on.
    ALWAYS have traps active near your home, at the start you can only have 1 rabbit trap, later on you can spend 3 hunting perks to boost up to 4 of each type of trap. (rabbit, bird, rat) that is a lot of meat for potage over time.

  2. Tip: take the 'Survival Sense' skill in the Survival skill tree ASAP as this will make it so much easier to locate and collect Broadleaf Plantain (a plant that is very hard to spot with the naked eye). Now you can easily gather yourself a secure amount of 'HP-potions'. And some time later this skill makes it easier to spot and pick up the feathers that fall out of almost every tree you chop down, as you need these to keep your arrow supply up.


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