10 MISTAKES Every RPG Gamer Makes

Everyone loves a good RPG, but no player is perfect. Here are some of the biggest stupid mistakes you can make in RPGs.
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38 thoughts on “10 MISTAKES Every RPG Gamer Makes”

  1. I love figuring out character building by experimentation before knowing how to make the best character and exploring every corner for treasure or to figure out what to do. That's something I hope stays. I think waypoints ruin RPGs

    Great video. I agree with the rest of your points and it was interesting to hear your perspective.

  2. 1:33 Ooooh-yeah… I've spent HOURS in a character creator, started the game, then 2-3 bosses in "Eeeehh, I don't like my character's face, it's a little off. Time to try again." It never hit me harder than it did in Bloodborne. Fucking hell, sometimes you move one slider and the game will be changing other shit behind the scenes like, "Didn't I set this slider to 23 and this one to 32 WHY are they both at 50 now?"

    What a nightmare. But, it's SO satisfying when you play the game and don't have to thing about how your character looks because it's finally good.

  3. How many times did you reload the Collector Ship Mission in ME2, where you get to choose an elite weapon for your Shep? Everyone says Revenant is OP but I can 1 Shot Cannibals, Collectors, Harbinger, Vanguards etc. in the head with the Widow at great range. Though it sucks when Husks try to rush you because it turns the 12 shot sniper clip into a one-shot rail gun.

  4. Ya, character appearance is a pain.

    Invariably, once you've made it, it's apparently a legal requirement that it's immediately followed by 12 unskippable cutscenes and an entire first act where you can't see your character's face. A couple games have buttons where you can see them do basic actions, but it's always under perfect lighting, and when you go back to fix it, you have to do it all again from scratch when all you needed to do was move the nose up 3 pixels.

    Then there's Fallout 4, where the whole prologue exists in a universe where everything is coated in half an inch of petroleum jelly, so you think you got it wrong, even if you got it right. Sure, you can edit it before leaving the vault, but that's at a distance and still not ideal. At least there's console commands, and a mod to put them back in in survival (because taking the console out of survival was some serious crayon-lobotomy level stupid).

  5. I seen that clip of OG fable. It was my first real experience with an rpg. I think I was about 14. I remember buying the first house in that town you came from. Oakvale? You could spam the sleep cycle and earn money from renting your house out. Get about 100k then massacre the town and buy everything. I would do this to afford the armor you could only buy at the arena. It’s was some kind of gold set and a dark set. Good times.

  6. Selling items then losing them is literally the experience of the BG3 barter system. first time on the game didn’t realize you can just dump your inventory into barter and just give them it for free lost over 1500 gold pieces worth of loot 🤣

  7. thank you for shinning light on the lesser known character creator community, we create for all XD, dont believe me? mass effect triology, google ugly creations XD!!! not enough? Monster hunter world, lord grandpa freeza drops in to annaliate all dragons, had enough? sims 4 the griffens custom family, fat man included.

  8. For the choice one, I remember I was playing bioshock and saved all the little girls except one because i wanted to see what it would be like if u harvested one, so I didnt get the good ending

  9. How tall you are or how fat or thin will change ur character status on Dragons Dogma , call me masochist but i would like to see more RPG,s like that .

  10. I'm guilty of several of these including hording items, selling off important items & having to spend hours hunting it down, & having to re-make my character because one feature just doesn't look right. Now I will use my horded items as a last resort but sometimes I will hold on a perticually item for the entire game: Looking at u Iosefka's blood from bloodborne and I while I have gotten better at keeping my key items away from the ones that I can sell off by either separating them in the inventory or writing key item down in a word document, I still do the other two constantly. Oh & if I've seen the dialogue before I will be more prone to skipping it & just hope I don't hit the repeat button

  11. I've spent about 2-3 hours so far on each of my party member faces in miitopia. I usually go in with a face in mind though, so, it's normally quicker in other games.


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