12 Minutes Presentation | Tribeca Games Spotlight 2021

12 Minutes is an interactive thriller about a man trapped inside a time loop. At the end of every loop, the main character’s wife will be murdered. It’s the player’s objective to break the loop, by repeating it over and over. 12 Minutes stars Star Wars’ Daisy Ridley, Xmen’s James McAvoy, and Willem Dafoe.


Categories N4G

34 thoughts on “12 Minutes Presentation | Tribeca Games Spotlight 2021”

  1. I know games take time.. but this game has literally said coming soon for like 2 years… this is getting ridiculous, I hope people don’t forget about it because this game needs a release date badly.

  2. The premise seems great and they've got the voice talent. But not convinced by the script and the animations are pretty janky. For something so simple and so confined it really needs to be nailing the presentation. And so far it isn't for me. Hopefully they polish things up.

  3. So the entire game is having a cop assault your family and kill you over and over? They couldn't think of all the reasons why that would be a bad sell?


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