Mario’s Impending March 31st Death Explained (Nerdist News w/ Dan Casey)

Mama Mia! Is the Mushroom Kingdom’s favorite plumber meeting his demise next week? According to the internet, March 31st will mark the death of Mario. Why is Nintendo concluding Mario’s 35th anniversary celebration with a murder most foul? What games are disappearing from the Nintendo eShop forever? And didn’t they already kill Luigi previously? Dan breaks down all the latest on today’s episode of Nerdist News!


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35 thoughts on “Mario’s Impending March 31st Death Explained (Nerdist News w/ Dan Casey)”

  1. wait, is this like having lofty expectation on Nintendo Directs?
    Well technically 3D All Stars ie being removed from Eshop on 31, so yeah, it's kinda "mario death." But don't go too far down this rabbit hole, it's nothing but pain especially since it's nothing like Smash brawl mods.

  2. my opinions on this-

    Mario is overrated. Don't hate him don't love him, sucks to see him go but Mario Mains in Smash have tainted him for me.

    I love Skyward Sword and would have paid pay full price a million times for the OG, and ill gladly pay full price for a HD Release.

    I hate BoTW and its idiotic infatuation with non-lineraity, and can care less for its sequel.

  3. Getting rid of Mario 35 will be a major misstep. My games always fill quickly, even in the middle of the night. It's obviously a hit. What they should do is follow the Tetris 99 model; keep it on NSO to add more value to the service, add paid DLC to stabilize costs, and leave it at that.

  4. I support Mario and nintendo dieing off especially with all the C&Ds they been sending over the years, that and gotta laugh at anyone who says that Nintendo should buy Sonic because of said word "so that the Sonic franchise can be saved" imagine all the C&Ds and take downs happen if that ever happens twards every Sonic fan game and fan creation.

  5. I really doubt this is real yet I could be wrong. Mario makes Nintendo too much money so it wouldn't make sense for them to do that especially when the next day is April first

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