PlayStation 5 Shortages are Hurting Game Developers. PS5 News

Today’s video is about how the PlayStation 5 shortages are making gaming developers struggle to keep ends meet. This doesn’t effect big gaming studios as much as the little guys and over time there may be game developers go out of business because of this chaos.


Categories N4G

10 thoughts on “PlayStation 5 Shortages are Hurting Game Developers. PS5 News”

  1. Great video, man. What’s even more depressing is how many disgusting people there are out there scalping during every single mini-restock. Consoles are sole out within one second of re-stocking. I’m sick of seeing it. So lame for those who genuinely want to play on one.

  2. 💯 they need to stop with there stupid online only purchase policy, its BS! we walk into stores with a masks all the time. It creates this online bot BS. Im normal guy that works, has a family etc. i can’t sit around in the middle of the night clicking sites for 5hr+. I’m willing to try and be involved but that crap is beyond annoying.

    The other day, Walmart had a 12pm pst drop, i was clicking to buy at 12pm on the dot within 1 sec it was sold out, same BS I have experienced since Nov. its a fucking joke! Im over it. I own a series X and I’m just sticking with Xbox now, I wanted a PS5, however Sony completely mismanaged there launch and I’m over it. I really only wanted a PS5 for 60fps with the classic PS4 games. Its beyond frustrating.

  3. All of this craziness going on is insane. It's so sad not everyone can get a ps5 or even a series x easily. Then with game companies not really being able to get the marketing in all they want out there because of these issues.

    I just hope everything gets back to normal or at least somewhat normal. Everything seems to be going to shit everywhere… anyways, have a great rest of your day man.

    – Stay twisted.


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