The MOST EXPENSIVE Video Game is SOLD, Super Mario Bros on the Nintendo Entertainment System!!!

On Friday, the most expensive video game is sold for $660,000! The most expensive video game is sold about $300,000 more than the previous most expensive video game sold. The most expensive video game is the Super Mario Bros on the Nintendo Entertainment System. The most expensive video game, Super Mario Bros on the Nintendo Entertainment System was a limited printed version of Super Mario Bros on the Nintendo Entertainment System. The most expensive video game, Super Mario Bros on the Nintendo Entertainment System only became the most expensive video game sold due to being a rare copy of Super Mario Bros on the Nintendo Entertainment System. The most expensive video game, Super Mario Bros on the Nintendo Entertainment System was sold only because the Super Mario Bros on the Nintendo Entertainment System cartridge was rare both in availability and also the condition of the Super Mario Bros on the Nintendo Entertainment System was mint. #MostExpensiveVideoGame #SuperMarioBros85 #SuperMario

0:00 Intro
1:26 The Factors Determining the Price of a Game
2:48 My Reflection on Why This News is Really Shocking At Times

sources cited:

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