LITTLE NIGHTMARES 1 All Boss Fights/Bosses & Ending PS5 Gameplay

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LITTLE NIGHTMARES 1 All Boss Fights/Bosses & Ending PS5 Gameplay

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32 thoughts on “LITTLE NIGHTMARES 1 All Boss Fights/Bosses & Ending PS5 Gameplay”

  1. Now Knowing about little nightmares 2 and the T.Vs. It makes since why the long arm guy didn't get affected he cant see. Also why he would be so quick to turn it off. As at the end of the DLC, we know hes still after six due to the quick pop up on the T.V.

  2. You know the extreme hunger in Six probably represents her inner demons or she desperately wants something that she can keep her safe for ever. Being unable to satiate the hunger she resorted to “consuming others” for power.

  3. En realidad no me gusta seven criaturas fantasmagoricas tetricas y horrorificas y este ser pequeño que es nilo o niña que ni siquiera se le ve el rostro por la capucha que le cubre alguien que sepa español me pueden decir

  4. The shadow geisha: the mother
    The guests: relatives
    The chefs: pro chefs hired
    The janitor: also hired

    The mom wants the child to get ready for family time. He clearly keeps making a mess which is why the janitor & chefs are chasing him


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