Sony Rocks Microsoft With Huge PS5 Upgrade Announcement That Makes The Console Even Better!

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Sony just ended a lot of doubt when it comes to the PlayStation 5 for a lot of fans. What will this mean in the long run? I don’t think we’ll know anytime soon but it is good to see Sony be so open and up front about this situation and hopefully it gets better before it gets any worse. This is definitely some positive news for PlayStation 5 fans today!


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11 thoughts on “Sony Rocks Microsoft With Huge PS5 Upgrade Announcement That Makes The Console Even Better!”

  1. Yeah lets goooooo more Stock!!! Now everyone will see the true Difference on Ps5 sales numbers vs XSX it the end!!! Every Ps5 Exclusives is gonna increase a 100%+ on sale!!!!! Sony really is AMAZING and not only that 1/4 is gonna increase from 2/4 of Xbox players moving to Ps5! Ps players are not moving to Xbox! Xbox players are the one moving!

  2. You got 5 games for the PlayStation 5 and there's remaking with them and demo that you got free it's hardly anything to brag about Xbox game pass as well as EA games as well so they're not short of games also if you keep putting Xbox games in your videos then you can't be short of games either

  3. People dont want to hear it but xbox has a lot do before it goes anywhere. No matter who you have, no matter what you buy, and no matter how many there is. You have to prove to consumers your games are worth buying. Right now they dont have the trust to believe their games are games will be worth anything

  4. So desperate to make money you will reuse old news you already uploaded

    Or tell lies and false information nust to get those 10 minutes in

    I'd call you a sad individual, but that would be insulting to them, you are more like a broken record that's falling apart each time it plays


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