CONTROVERSY As Warhammer YouTuber 'Arch' ATTACKED By Gaming Press Over Video Game Promotion Deal



46 thoughts on “CONTROVERSY As Warhammer YouTuber 'Arch' ATTACKED By Gaming Press Over Video Game Promotion Deal”

  1. Fascist litmus test:
    They are unable to just denounce fascism, they have to bring up an enemy of fascism to equate it to (like communism).
    It muddies the waters of what leftst ideas actually are.
    If they can't drag normies into being openly far-right, they can at least try to discourage them from moving left.

  2. Regarding the accent: It is common in Norway to learn some sort of British or American accent in school, since English is a mandatory subject. His accent is still odd, though. Usually students end up with RP or something London-esque. His vocabulary is also quite odd. I have no idea what his language is influenced by. My own accent is shaped by various comedians and bands, so it fluctuates. One day it is Glasgow (Teenage Fanclub), another day it’s London (The Who) and on occasion it’s Middlesbrough (Bob Mortimer. Sometimes it’s even Manchester (Noel Gallagher), usually when I am too confident without proper arguments. All Norwegians can speak English, some like far right gamers and others like secretary generals of NATO.

    It’s a shame that some of us are racist YouTubers.

    Love your channel!

  3. i read every single word of every discord leak on my channel. i did a summary because it ended up being a three hour video. on the summary video, i have a random different simp of his (always with an anime profile pic) show up and complain at me every few weeks. its so funny, but so sad that arch is delivering his audience to such stupid rhetoric.

    he is personally a bigot and hangs out with actual race realists in his discord, posting some horrendous shit in his SFW channel. i really worry about all the warhammer fan teenage age dudes looking for a community who wander into his discord.

  4. A good sign of immaturity are people who have this obsession with wanting to say the N-word, but with no consequences (the consequences being people thinking that you are probably a racist, so naturally won't be that keen to associate with someone like that).

  5. Apperantly, Arch took down his Gnoblar lore video (whe one in which he said "House N_____s"). Out of the whole 20+ minute video, less than one minute has been archived. However, I don't know if the full video is worth it for the Lost Media Wiki to even bother with.

  6. Parched Slobhammer: Spreads rhetoric that exclude racial minorities from participating in the community
    WH40K: Excludes Slob from affiliating himself with their game
    Parched Slobhammer: Surprised Pikachu face

  7. Racist jokes are just edgy satire until they stop being edgy satire lol. Why does 4chan have multiple containment boards for all the obnoxious facists and racists shitting up their other boards? Im given to understand that its a common problem on /tg/. Facist loosers show up and start talking about how much they love 40k because of the facism.

  8. "i think that video games are for everyone i think warhammer is for everyone" BULL FUCKIN SHIT this dickhead reeeeeees every time anyone not white and straight is in Warhammer and even made a 30 minute video whining about a book HE DIDNT READ THAT HAD ONE PRONOUN HE DOESNT UNDERSTAND

  9. Apparently Archie here is such a sleaze that not even pornographers want anything to do with him. Then again, I don't think Archie's audience would be interested in Subverse, as I'm pretty sure that all the girls in that game are above the age of consent.

  10. I liked the part when you asked "where's the lore stuff" nearly 40 minutes in then when he gets into the lore, "I don't care about your stupid nerd lore shit" less than a minute later.
    Dislike him all you want, but at least make it entertaining and don't contradict yourself 😛


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