1v5 Outplays You NEED To See To Believe…

1v5 Outplays You NEED To See To Believe… Amazing Solo Aces, Pro Player Comebacks, 200 IQ Plays, Best Carry and Clutch 1v5 Moments in a VALORANT …


46 thoughts on “1v5 Outplays You NEED To See To Believe…”

  1. Now just imagine instead of Valorant you're in CS:GO, and you pull of anything like that. 100% Getting reported by at least three people, and may a vote may even come up in the next round either A, your team tryin to kick you or B, The enemy team waiting for them to kick you, before they all start spinning xDDD. Its just crazy to me. The games are so similar but the communities are in different dimensions.

  2. i remember i was fighting a phoenix then when he flashed, the flash kinda bugged and it couldnt fully blind me, so basically i got flashed but it lagged and i could still see


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