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0:00 Intro
0:16 QOTD
0:24 Hyper Aggressive Player
1:43 Low Confidence Player
3:05 The Spray And Prayer
4:49 No Minimap Player
6:16 The Overhyped Player
7:19 The Instalocker
8:44 Outro

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40 thoughts on “TYPES of VALORANT Players… WHICH ONE ARE YOU?”

  1. The most annoying players are players who backseat drive after they die . Telling you what to do at every turn. In the end it doesn't even matter if he was right or wrong if I die I just lose my shit.

  2. The tactics against instalocking will never seem to work, because that is probably the most common on the list, and you need LUCK to find someone who speaks english.
    They will probably be toxic russians who seem to not care about what you are doing


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