VALORANT | New Agent YORU Gameplay – All Abilities Explained

New Agent 14 Yoru was leaked and with that we can see a little bit of gameplay as well as how the abilities will work! Yoru is a lurking duelist with a flash, teleport and of course a stealth ability. We’ll be explaining how these abilities work, their currency cost and how it could maybe be used in the future
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49 thoughts on “VALORANT | New Agent YORU Gameplay – All Abilities Explained”

  1. since valorant has guns instead of melee obviously this won't really fit at all but imagine if his ult was like the spirit's ability from dbd, you can't see the enemy and the enemy can't see you but you can hear the enemy, that would be sick.

  2. So… Is anyone gonna talk about the teleport thing set up with your team, you ult in enemy lines pick up a kill and teleport back, or we gonna leave it hanging? Maybe set up some footsteps when you kill the guy? This agent looks solid and should be fun to play for 5heads really.

  3. Two things borrowed from omen's kit and will compete with it. I would prefer the teleport being a rotate tool that you place behind to support the push and then quickly swap to the flank on offense, or place on a different site to teleport later should the attackers push that site on defense. Keep the moving bit, but make it so if you place it as a fixed orb, it can be picked up (durring prep time) and does not have a limited timer on it. The ult seems like a safer but short range version of omen's ult. You can see what is near where you will exit, but lose out on most of the utility omen's ult provides (you can gather intel but have a limited range in which you can do so, you have to commit to your endpoint unless you back out half way through and have enough duration to make it back, you must be close to scout and have a fixed sight range rather than an exponentially bigger one). Still, seems like their kit is going to be good and fair/fun to counter (unlike a particular noob-tube wielding aoe expert).

  4. Idk I just feel like this guy Could be the God of Opting Better Than Jett With those Flahes Fake Footsteps and Baits People Will be Itching to Peak. I Still Love My baby though Definitley Using Jett and yoru Intertwined for oping. Have them both on a Team and My goodness its over.

  5. Well Sombra didn't break OW at all, she wasn't even play when she came out. Brigitte did because she had 0 skill ceiling and high value compared to Sombra.


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