VEX IS THE ANSWER TO YONE! – Unranked to Master: EUNE Edition | League of Legends

A lot of people struggle into Yone and I have 2 champions that seem to work well into him… Akshan and Vex! This game highlights how! Like, Comment & Subscribe! League of Legends Vex Mid Gameplay.

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VEX IS THE ANSWER TO YONE! – Unranked to Master: EUNE Edition | League of Legends


23 thoughts on “VEX IS THE ANSWER TO YONE! – Unranked to Master: EUNE Edition | League of Legends”

  1. 11:58
    My critique on the Yone, look at the direction of his E cast. If he pushes his body downward on the initial dodge, his snap back brings him farther from Lee Sin, closer to Nidalee, and closer to his tower. I'm not sure if that saves him but there was definitely room for improvement

  2. QotD: I love Vex's concept, everything about it. Shares my depressive ideology, fits my mage playstyle (strong early with burst focus, but also capable of supportive cc), friendly to lower skill players like me, has some 200 years excitement but still having some counterplay via her slower projectiles. Her stats are clearly overtuned though, at least in this meta.

  3. I think its nice they have an anti dash champ thats a mage cause gragas really isnt. I think her ult reset is pretty strong maybe make dmg higher but only two casts? Her numbers need to be lowered and i think late game her having the ability to proc fear a lot should be the main strength of her kit not necessarily her dmg. I also think shes struggles with what i initally thought sylas would struggle with. While sylas is completely unbalanced. Vexs strength depends alot on the enemies comp which is good i feel for game design. Either shes rlly good or shes kinda of useful but ur not maximizing her kit.

  4. Qotd: I see vex as a return to healthy champion design. She's an anti champ like malz. Her damage is high burst but also pretty high cd.
    Also Neeko is an awesome counter to Yone

  5. QOTD: Not gnna lie ive barely played league lately so I hav en't played vs many Vex players. I love playing herself though. She's really fun and has clear counterplay.

    Oh and I love all the Vex content. hehe

  6. QotD: Vex is neat, I really like her. First champion that doesn't feel like complete bull when playing against her. I also like her vibe, with her being every mid 2000s, My Chemical Romance loving goth girl. It's fun.

    "He's dead Jim." Is from Star Trek. Dr. McCoy would say that whenever someone died (which happens a lot in for a show from the 60s).

  7. QotD: Vex is a great champ and her kit works well, her damage is a little bit too high given that you can still one shot someone at 6 with no kills or items but it’s not broken in any way but, damage

  8. Was about to leave a comment about the ice coffee comment cause I live in a state where we drink iced coffee in the negatives. But then you redeemed your self cause hot coffee turning into cold coffee can be dreadful xD. All jokes with this comment keep up the great content can’t wait to see you hit master this season.


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