Blizzard Officially BANNED MULTIBOXING – No More Multiboxers in Shadowlands

Multiboxing could get you banned in the future if you keep using keystroke broadcasting software – be careful!
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26 thoughts on “Blizzard Officially BANNED MULTIBOXING – No More Multiboxers in Shadowlands”

  1. Finally. Stupid multiboxers ruin the economy, destroying anyway to make gold. It's dumb as hell and it means if you farm herbs its not worth your time AT ALL. Also around 3 patches into the expansion there's no gold to be made in professions linked to these farmsble materials.

  2. Saying multiboxing is fun is also such a weak excuse, you're controlling 1 character regardless so how does having 5 characters following you controlled by software making anything more fun?

  3. Finally was about time. I don't know what kind of low lifes do it multiboxing 20 accounts and walking around 1 shotting everyone with aoes. Or druid flying around cleaning up resources and starfall spam

  4. Come on. anyone using 3rd party software knows its either illegal or unfair. Being given a warning first is generous in my opinion.. I have played on servers that died because there were so many bots running on it. it lagged the entire server to the point of not being worth logging in to play. Seriously, farming was pointless. Everything farmable was already taken. But when you are lagged so bad you can't move to farm anywhere anyway then it becomes time to just find a new game.

  5. I like this decision, and I agree it will be good for the game. I do
    however want to throw in my 2 cents. I'm a multiboxer. I enjoyed PvP and
    doing dungeon content. It was fun setting everything up and constantly
    improving. World PvP was awesome fun, especially invading enemy cities,
    and let's be honest, world PvP doesn't happen enough. Even though I'm
    losing my investment in building a multitude of accounts I'm ready for a
    change and glad this is happening. There's been a plague of too many
    farmers ruining it for everyone else. They need to go. Blizz was shady
    as hell collecting all the shadowlands orders before announcing this

  6. Well it's easy enough to multibox just using the in-game macros. Obviously you're not going to be doing too well in combat although I've been able to run dungeons just using the /follow macro that I make in game. easy enough to still keep boxing if you use the follow macro and you have one window open per account and you just keep dragging your cursor from screen to screen. It's really not that complicated that's the only way I've done it LOL


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