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Fury Warriors received a 5% damage buff to all of their abilities and for arms, mortal strike does 20% more damage and slams damage has been increase to 50% form 25%. But this is still not enough. Warriors are dead last in most encounters. They are barely decent in AOE situations and can do good dmg with 2-4 mobs but anything above that will fall shy to many other classes. I’ve played fury warrior since the beginning and its been feeling weak so far all of the shadowlands expansion. After reviewing more overall logs and testing my warrior more I’ve concluded Arms is better than fury for now 100% but overall warriors in shadowlands is just not good. And yes, Warriors does need to be buffed for shadowlands! Both fury and arms.

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Fury Warrior vs arms Warrior. Who is the better dps overall. This is my opinions and results of what I concluded from the observations I’ve made in WarcraftLogs. Things in Warcraft constantly change, so if you’re watching this in the future and it is no longer accurate that is why. XD


39 thoughts on “DOES WARRIORS NEED TO BE BUFFED FOR SHADOWLANDS? FURY VS ARMS DPS Whats better? World of Warcraft”

  1. I want to play a warrior because that condem animation just FEELS meaty with that heavy overhead swing. But when I think of switching from marksman, and seeing the much less strong single target dps warriors do right now it's just eehhhhh. I'd kill for some talent options to sacrifice a little aoe for better single target.

  2. My fury is on Bastion and does normally 10-12k dps on AOE situations

    On bosses only 4-5k but its okay if u see the aoe damage

    (My fury is ilvl 188 and got the rampage legendary)

  3. I’m doing really well on fury usually 4.6k -5k overall every dungeon m10+ and for st doing 3-4K depending on the boss and with lust ect if we lus I’m bursting 9k st

  4. Great video bro, I decided to lv a shadow priest bcs of this shitty situation with fury.. however I didn’t like the play style at all, I guess it’s just really hard to love other play styles if you’re a fury boi u know.. that’s why I switched back with my fury and hopefully we will get buffed soon:) btw, could you pls tell me what addon is that resource name plate of yours? 🙂

  5. I am playing a Fury Warrior at the moment and instanced content like Dungeons and Raids are pretty depressing. I went to help a guild frieand in a normal dungenon and she was 2 levels away from maxlevel and 40 points of overall GS behined me and she still dealt more then double the damage than i did.

    But i cant see my self swaping anytime soon for 2 reasons.
    1. Openworld content as a fury feels realy good and is just so smooth in general that im just having a blast Jumping and rampaging around like a psychotic gorilla.
    3. I dont like to play arms and Prot Warri just plays like a brick and a badly made one at that.

    So i am prety lucky that my raid dose not forbid me from playing my favorite specc and so i am just waiting till the gear scalings bring me back up.

  6. Dps warrior so sad i switched to tanking and still we are bottom of tanking list, however I believe with right stats (for fury max crit/mastery) and better gear we will scale better than all and no doubt more buff to class coming soon.
    What i mean is soon warrior will top dps, we dont CC we dont provide anything to groups like others do but supposedly we provide the extra dmg and we will again

  7. I refuse to play arms it is not fun to me at all been fury last 15 yrs I just can’t see how for example last xpac arms was 50%+ deep wounds damage and now arms is 50%+ execute damage…. that’s so boring and I guarantee arms can’t touch me in aoe lol easily holding about 9-14k dps aoe with ease pissing tanks off pulling Aggro lol

  8. So sick of people saying warriors scale better with gear based on previous expansions. THAT IS NOT IT. Warriors start shit and get buffs, or benefit from borrowed powers that come later in the expansion. We will scale the same as other classes… especially with the way this expansion has killed secondary stat weights.

  9. Warriors not only have a dmg problem, but a design problem. They lack so much in terms of utility and their whole gameplay is clunky as fuck.

    They need to redesign the sinergy among its abilities and the whole talent tree.

  10. I think you should explore other options in terms of gear stats. Not sure if you tried playing around with other types of gear stats, but maybe fury and arms play better with other types of stats (like crit chance and haste). Mess around with it and exhaust your options before deciding if it needs a buff or not.

  11. Hi! I always main furry till like 2 weeks ago i felt like i was smashing everything right but not poping amazing numbers.. soo i switch to arms and for my surprise im now always in the top dps meter in almos every group.. so far it feeling amazing. I understand than in high lvl end game they are performing bad, thats a fact, but i cant help to think why is feeling so strong in chill lvl but performing so poorly in high lvl :c

  12. If you look at the top specs performing great they already have a strong kit outside of covenant abilities. When you give hunters wild spirit ability it like puts the spec in overdrive! Look how good boomy performs already without convoke then you add that and it explodes!! Condemn warrior is really fun to play! And I feel like that is his arms should play like with the above 80% execute phase and below 35% but it’s not really changing the spec to much or giving it a 1min or 2 min steroid they can pop and perform better! The change to our mastery also hurt not just single target but aoe deepwounds cleave damage. If they buffed that back up and left playstyle the same arms would be in a great if not amazing spot! Maybe let overpower generate rage and on resets would make us feel good with rage for sure!


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