How to Make Millions of Gold with Shadowlands Inscription | The 60:20 Milling Method

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Here is a simple way you can make lots of gold with Shadowlands Inscription, without doing complex maths!

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42 thoughts on “How to Make Millions of Gold with Shadowlands Inscription | The 60:20 Milling Method”

  1. Yeah unfortunately Sargeras is just flooded with decks – people selling below crafting cost on reset day.
    Will be interesting to see how this goes for norma/heroic week though.

  2. So not to be too negative Breg, but I think you don't take into account how lucky you are to have nightshade so low on your server. At 100g/per its significantly lower than the 200g price on my server and lower than the 233g median price im seeing on TUJ. That 100g difference is what changes it from being slightly profitable for you to a huge loss for the rest of us.

  3. In the first days of SL i was spending around 2M gold to profit 550k per day, now darkmoon decks are so flooded and the competition is undercutting to a point that you lose gold crafting stuff, probably because ppl are spamming undercuts and some ppl just keep dropping the prices to see a fast sell without getting into undercut wars

  4. Draenor US realm. Every profession is dead cause of competition and people sitting on the auction house 24/7 undercutting as soon as you post. Luckily there’s still crafted mounts and bags and pets. I am on 18 realms with pet arbitrosh. Don’t know how to spell that lol

  5. Good coverage of the method as always Breg!

    The only thing I would suggest (to be very open for your viewers) is a YMMV comment or two due to the total time investment you put in to get these sales. For me (average across my 5 servers), if CONSTANTLY cancelling/reposting (i.e. running a post scan, posting, immediately running another, posting, cancel scan, mailbox, post scan) I may offload 10 decks an hour due to undercutting. Add to that the 15 minutes+ it takes to craft everything initially and this becomes real "work". Calculating the profit per deck (they are not all Voracity) and it is yielding less than 30-50k/hr these days. Not terrible, but certainly not the 500k+/hr in the early days. On most of those servers I can get 50-80k+/hr just farming. If people playing the AH (I do at times), there will still be pockets in which this can be profitable, but, as most have indicated, most servers have crashed and it just doesn't make sense. The time investment to post/cancel/repost makes this a loser almost immediately even with TSM groups/scans set up. Be ready to CONSTANTLY ready to repost: only 'getting lucky's equates to a sale. In these conditions (maybe 5k profit max/deck with some servers' deck prices now down to sub 10k) just farming the herbs or ore or skinning is often more profitable.

    RIP inscription. It was fun while it lasted though…pays for the rest of the expansion in game time 👍

  6. Good vid – be interesting to see how long it remains viable. Cards on my server have dropped to 1k each this past week and there’s a flood of them on the AH, I’m looking to move on to something more stable and less competitive now lol

  7. Dammit. Got excited and burned my savings to craft decks. Then they became worthless overnight before I could sell a single one. Was too late… Ah well, time to go do some IRL work so I can buy gold and forget about this. I knew it was too good to be even remotely true.

  8. Whish I could do this. Death blossom is more expensive on my realm, nightshade is significantly more expensive on my realm, but the darkmoon decks? Yeah, they are much cheaper. That quickly turns that 30k profit into a 15k loss.

  9. I tried this … useless. Spent 110,000 gold on herbs, ended up with only enough to make 1 deck. When I started thought I'd get about 100,000 profit … great I thought … by the time I headed off to AH … Darkmoon trinkets going 21,000 to 25,000 gold. Total waste of gold. Prices are useless on my server. More profitable just to sell the cards.

  10. When do you knew (and know) when to buy the mats since the exp released? Considering that at the beginning everything is overwhelmingly expensive. Like a day after the exp? Hours? Thank you


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