Shadowlands Week 1 To-Do List!

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A few things are different on live than they were on beta, this video will get you up to speed (without assuming prior knowledge) on what you need to get done this week and what you can do with your spare time.

Here is the wowhead article to help keep track of all this:

0:00 Leveling your Main
2:35 Choosing your Covenant
5:14 Covenant Campaign
6:30 Threads of Fate Alt Leveling
10:40 Renown
12:40 Anima
14:40 Callings
15:07 Torghast
18:23 Dungeons
20:00 Legendaries
21:57 The Maw Dailies


25 thoughts on “Shadowlands Week 1 To-Do List!”

  1. Out of the dozens of guides I watched, probably 3+ hours of youtube videos about what to do in shadowlands, including big names like preach and kellani, THIS GUIDE was the fucking best. Straight to the point and clear. THANK YOU.

  2. So, i can say play Thorgast as a Tank. I played as Mage with my Monk Tank mate, its rediciulis (hope its right, Englisch is not my Mother Language). He do 3 Times more DMG as me. He play Monk Tank with Nekrolords and he does sometimes with his Covernan ability over 15 up to 25k dps at Bosses.

  3. The first guide on youtube i have seen that has accurate information, so many kept saying renown lvl 4. but that is what ya get when you make videos based on beta i suppose, but still wish they would of put more time and effort to realize there information about it was wrong.

  4. Hold up, so let's say I leveled an spriest up to 55 with the campaign but having buyer's remorse and want to level my mage to 60 first. Can I come back to my spriest, after my mage hits 60 and does all the covenant jazz and turn on threads of fate for my spriest even though it went first through the campaign (unfinished)?

  5. Huge error in threads of fate. When you pick threads of fate you can just ignore picking covenant. You can que for all dungeons and get the blue bar quests in all 4 zones. You covenant abilitie change to the zone/dungeon ones. Doesn't seem any downside and let's you play some content with all covenant abilities.


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