World of Warcraft: Shadowlands | Afterlives: Revendreth | Reaction!

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Hey guys! This is my reaction to the WoW Shadowlands Afterlives Revendreth short! Getting pumped up for Shadowlands! Comment for more reaction content! Hope you all enjoy! #worldofwarcraft #gaming #reaction

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1 thought on “World of Warcraft: Shadowlands | Afterlives: Revendreth | Reaction!”

  1. Not trying to be a dick but I feel like you're not actually listening to what the characters are saying man. You can figure all of it out by what he is saying. The Shadowlands is the realm of the dead. It contains all the various lands of the different afterlives which are pretty much infinite. The souls generate and carry this anima with them which feeds the Shadowlands themselves and keeps them from withering away. Anima is extracted differently based on which afterlife the soul went to. Revendreth is where the most tainted, evil and prideful but still redeemable souls are sent, where the anima is basically tortured out of them. That also wasn't just any orc. That was Garrosh Hellscream. The Maw is where you saw Uther toss Arthas's soul at the end of the Bastion video. It is where the unredeemable souls go BUT Arthas didn't get judged by the Arbiter. Devos and Uther intervened and sent him to the Maw without anyone else knowing or their superiors sanctioning that act.


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