Cyberpunk 2077 Review | Xbox Series X / S, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, PC, Stadia

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Here’s my long-awaited Cyberpunk 2077 review! This review covers the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, PS4, PS5, and PC. However, it’s also …


12 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Review | Xbox Series X / S, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, PC, Stadia”

  1. Fantastic review man! I'm not finished with the game yet but from what I've played so far I pretty much agree with everything. I think it was a very clever idea to have seperate review scores for a game like this with such vastly different experiences across generations.

  2. Overall, agreed. 8,5 is a true fair score. You have not skipped details such as the cell phone bringing you the missions leading to not exploring anything freely at all and more other things. Some say that Cyberpunks issues are all about graphics and tecnichal performance but I don't agree at all. There are things carried out in a very… inconsistent way and numerous issues that couldn't be solved via patch. NPCs feel to me like empty husks leaving Night City as a big hollow place… in the end.. nothing revolutionary in this game, not the best rpg nor sandbox. However not everything is bad, main missions and main characters are great. Very very fair review Luis, which knowing whats all around this game, is a very big thing!!!!

  3. I was kind of skeptical about this game, and it's sad to see that it does have its share of problems. Inevitable patches aside, the delivery of quests to the player in a non-believable, disorganized manner is unfortunate.
    It's funny how everyone I've watched or talked to has also said that Keanu Reeves' performance doesn't match his character. Oh well.
    I'm sure the game has its good points, but I'll definitely be waiting for a big sale (and big patches) before I pick it up. It's okay to be excited for something, but I hope this will stand as an example for people to be a little more cautious of hype in the future. Thanks for another fair review.

  4. I've honestly expected this game to be an 8 all along. Some people will really love it, and some will feel a bit let down, even playing on 9th gen hardware. Thanks for your thoughtful review.

  5. Great review. I'm playing the game on Xbox Series S. Its actually running the game well performance wise, despite not lookign the best visually.

    I've personally only encountered one bug in my entire 34 hours so far. Its was kinda a big one though, since Jackie disappeared from the game and i couldn't progress the mission. Had to reload an auto save to get it fixed thankfully.

    I haven't finished the game yet but i do like it alot. This isn't the masterpiece i expected from Witcher 3 devs but still great. I really wish it was more polished, specifically for last gen gamers.

    I definetly agree with your 8/10 score.

  6. Loved the review, I completely agree about the side missions being given through the phone. The comparison to Witcher 3 and being able to explore and find new quests in that game made me realize how much better that system is and should’ve been replicated here to really make the exploration within the city feel fleshed out. The more I think about it, the more of a huge bummer it is


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