YORICK Top Lane Guide For SEASON 11 – League of Legends

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24 thoughts on “YORICK Top Lane Guide For SEASON 11 – League of Legends”

  1. When I get the chance I’m going to try to work collector into my build, for champs like Olaf, or Dar, or really any champ who likes to get low then heal back to full. Also I want to add lethality to my builds and that just sounds like a cool one. You don’t need the crit but it still looks good

  2. Don't sleep on Stridebreaker guys. It's the best of the bruiser/health Mythic's for 1 item damage spike, and the active's gapclose/slow is great into a lot of matchups. The mythic passive grants % move speed as well, which can be very valuable. It does more damage than Divine, except if the enemy team has a tank at 3 items. So really go Divine if you think you'll be targeting tankier opponents at 3 items, otherwise Stride deals more damge, and offers more utility. Just my take. Only other small thing is to not rush TriForce,, the base stats are meh, and the passive scales off base AD. So if you want to buy it (which is fine, it isn't THAT bad), buy it second,, rush Sterak's or Cleaver first. Cheers

  3. I love the Gauntlet build. I go gauntlet then bramble vest if my matchup is aa based. Then either dead man's plate or nature. And I finish with Titanic.

    So the final build is usually: gauntlet, boots, dead man's, nature, thorn mail/chainsaw, Titanic hydra.

    What's your opinion on it?


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