ZERI CHAMPION SPOTLIGHT Gameplay Guide – League of Legends

ZERI CHAMPION SPOTLIGHT 2021 Gameplay Guide – League of Legends. LoL New 2022 ADC Zaun Lighting Marskman champion abilities explained. 🔔K/DA AKALI COSPLAY AT 100K SUBS: http://bit.ly/RemusSub

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🔴Outro music: Johannes Bornlöf – Skyfall 1

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28 thoughts on “ZERI CHAMPION SPOTLIGHT Gameplay Guide – League of Legends”

  1. ADC main here since season 5.
    You know what's funny and awesome about her kit? She can flex into any build but I think her strongest will be a variant of the current "AP" Kai'Sai build with the slotted manamune. I bet she'll be proplay just on the principle you can't pick against her. Those on hit AP Ratios are gonna get hot fixed as well as that ult is getting a fixed max duration.

  2. I don't understand why people are excited about a Q and autoattack that are swapped. This is like the laziest and least interesting "new" mechanic that I can imagine.
    It's like being excited that Morgana's shield is E while Lux's is W.

  3. Played her on the pbe, she's actually not broken at all??? Her dash when she's not travelling a wall is very very tiny and even her auto attack are tough to place corretly while you know that you Always need to move with thé champ. So imagine when you're in a liddle of a teamfigjt. Plus she's soooo fragile omggg, more than ezreal or jinx.


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