0-3 edition | YamatoCannon AMA 35 (League of Legends)

00:00 Genesis
01:25 Why does Fnatic play high activity and constantly feels the need to implement a play that if it isnt 100% accurate the game will be lost? (for example Abbedagge dive into Abbedagge triple kill)
02:43 How secure is your job now that Fnatic has ended so low?
03:45 Spring Split doesn’t matter?
04:09 Are the players the problem?
07:58 You doing alright? With the loss and all?
09:23 What do you think the team can learn from this series in order to come back strong?
10:56 What are you most proud of this split?
11:34 Did EU top 4 become stronger or did G2 just get worse?
12:58 Was it difficult to adapt back to playing on stage again?
15:00 How is Upset doing?
15:42 Can you play Smoke on the water on the e string?
16:21 Do you hope for a large change in the meta before summer?
17:11 How important do you think Coaches are to a teams success? Does “Coach diff” exist?
19:02 Fav team ever? Fav player ever? Fav player to work with ever?
20:15 Why does this team have more than a 5 % chance to be top 4 next split, excluding Upset 1v9?
21:02 How do you feel about criticism from people like LS / Nemesis / IWD etc about drafts and playstyle?
23:08 What’s the thought behind drafting Lee Sin in your series?

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31 thoughts on “0-3 edition | YamatoCannon AMA 35 (League of Legends)”

  1. About the Lee Sin pick: I remember that game and i wanted to add to the conversation that all the meta junglers were actually banned in that draft. Udyr, Heca, Lillia were banned and Voli was picked so FNC kinda had to pick an off meta champ. If it wasn't Lee it would have been another off meta pick which would probably not have been better.

  2. I am sure u will come up stronger in the summer good luck u to u and the team i hope the roster doesn't change it has very huge potential but a question though the bot lane I think is the strongest bot lane in EU shouldn't the rest of the team play less carry champions just to boost this bot lane IDK if its correct but just an idea.

  3. I saw this video again today. Everything worked out in the long run. You are an incredible coach, congratulations on the worlds spot. You and the team deserve this more than anything.


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