[10.22] BEST Miss Fortune Build | League of Legends (Season 10)

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29 thoughts on “[10.22] BEST Miss Fortune Build | League of Legends (Season 10)”

  1. with season ending shoutouts to a couple alternate MF builds.

    "arcane comet, dorans ring, manamune, lethality"
    pros : basically highest damage late game. easy lane phase for people who arent great laners. (ie just sit back and spam E)
    cons: hard to CS, something of glass cannon build.

    build path:
    arcane comet, manaflowband, presence of mind, legend bloodline
    dorans ring -> manamune -> duskblade-> edge night/sanguine blade/last whisper.
    at least 3 points into E into W max.

    Hail of Blades, 2x dorans blades, duskblade into Edge of Night with possible ninja tabis.
    pros: very strong early game brawler
    cons: falls off late mid game
    basically Sanguine Blade end game item set but with a different build path and rune set. Focusing on surviving and brawling in early game teamfights. Hail of Blades synergizes with lack of attack speed items early.

  2. Some of my friends recommended dark harvest on this build, i use it alot anyways and been like 30 games, but i do strong dmg. They're saying dark harvest will help against tanks cuz lethality doesn't affect tanks alot cuz i need to attack 3 times till i get PTA. What do you think?

  3. You should do a video comparing crit mf with sanguine blade mf. Like pros and cons and stuff. Cuz I agree sanguine blade is the best build but because crit is so much more popular I get flamed for using it over crit and it would be nice to have a video I can quote to explain why it’s better than crit.

  4. Hi! I was doing research the other day and a "pro-player" said that the only viable option for MF is the crit build with death's dance. Like… he may be a pro, but i tested the Sanguine Blade path and it's a only way ticket to hard carry your team.

  5. I forgot to change my runes after an aram and ended up with dark harvest on MF. I know it's viable so I wasn't too upset about it but I wasn't expecting too much……. MY GOD was it FUN. I did your lethality build with it and I carried the game so hard, I had to try it again. I once again carried (though not as hard since everyone else was actually doing pretty well too). I hope Sanguine Blade is still available next season (and still an optimal item for MF!), it's such a fun one. 🙂

  6. I have a quick question, whenever I use the sanguine blade build with pure lethality I feel extremely weak, but when I use sanguine blade, EoN, IE, and Essence +1 (DD or Mortal Reminder or other armor pen) it feels much better. Are the numbers better or am I just crazy?

  7. So is there a reason why lethality is better than crit? I feel mf item rotates between the two all the time. Im just confused as why it works on her and like sivir or samira. Especially when her ult and q can crit for really well

  8. doesnt sanguine blades passive not work in a two man lane? ive been told by people that its not worth buying because the passive doesnt work. what do you think?

  9. Hey phil. I had a game where i hit full build plus elixir (but had yommus over duskblade for orn item). Do you recommend selling boots for another item if you find yourself at 4k reserve gold in a super long game?


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