[10.23] BEST Miss Fortune Build | League of Legends (Season 11)

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37 thoughts on “[10.23] BEST Miss Fortune Build | League of Legends (Season 11)”

  1. The high attack speed kraken provides makes it so you don't need any other attack speed items and you even reach the attack speed cap at last levels which amplifies your auto attack dps so much more since it allows you to go full ad after that. Or actually that is the best option since kraken's true damage stacks with ad. I'd dare say she can use it better than most adcs just because she can build full ad after that while other adcs can't.

    I hadn't noticed the poke q from kraken passive at all. Awesome! I need to abuse that

  2. I have been writing off Kraken Slayer for MF – I can't believe I didn't even realize it didn't have to be the same target. I think I just assumed it was a copy paste of Vayne's silver bolts. Knowing this changes everything completely, wow. And more than that, knowing that auto + Q bounce procs it is also game changing. It seems super strong… do you think they'll change Kraken Slayer to only proc from enemy champion hits and not minions? Anyway, I've been going eclipse every game but I'll definitely have to give this a try! I know you really love overheal but would this build still work with PoM? I used to use your manamune > sanguine blade build last season and I loved it a lot since I like to spam spells with reckless abandon. lol. I'll try it without PoM first…maybe all the attack speed will help things along but I still love spamming skills. n__n;;;

  3. I don't think this is the best build. It looks strong, but Eclipse is still better. At full build, I could shred through a Darius with Death's Dance, Dead Man's Plate, Thornmail, Sterak's, and Sunfire Cape. This Kraken build would only damage that Darius every 3 autos. With Black Cleaver, Serylda's Grudge, Eclipse armpen bonus, and three lethality items, you do more damage against both tanks and squishies compared to crit. Also, Serpent's Fang is an INSANE item. This Kraken build has better waveclear, a slightly better early game with PtA vs DH, and the Kraken Slayer 1-item powerspike, but besides that, I think lethality is better. Prowler's claw is also an option.

  4. OMG thank you MFDB for coming through yet again… I was waiting desperately for you to make a suitable build that fits my play style. Btw… This is my first season of LEAGUE and I use MF in ranked and I climb to gold 3 thank you again

  5. I've been building this since it started, it really depends who you fight against. When you have too much burst dps: Immortal shield bow, when you fight against big tanks and champs who just won't die: Kraken saves your ass. Good luck everyone!! 🙂 get the Bloodthirster for good luck LOL

  6. QoTD: I muted my chat on league's config, so no chat at all. I don't care what my teammates are saying, just ping me and I'll try my best at what I'm supposed to do, like steal an objective with Jhin's or MF's ultimate

  7. QoTD: I'm still a very new player, lvl 25, so nothing too serious right? In normal games when my team gets very mouthy, I'll basically ask, why in the world, at this level. are you getting tilted? Hard times ahead for you in Ranked if even Normal games p***s you off this much 😛

  8. QoTD: After getting chat restricted and losing my honor after dragging an airhead that came for me when i was carrying , i just mute , report , and move on 🙂 , also my jaw dropped at that q bounce + kraken slayer damage , MF ftw !

  9. I'm genuinely curious as to why people are just commenting how this is a bad build without any explanation, cuz it'd help out a ton since I'm quite new to the game and want to know how different items work together. Props to MFDB for keeping a positive attitude 😀

  10. You should try this lethal tempo and secondary ap runes
    Kraken Slayer
    Runnan Hurricane
    Berseker Greaves boot
    And you can jump in a group fight and will come out easily.


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