10 BEST CARRIES For Any Elo in Patch 12.8 – League of Legends

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0:00​​​ Intro
0:32 Rengar
1:45 Darius
2:47 Diana
3:27 Kha’Zix
3:59 Ahri
4:30 Yasuo
5:22 QOTD
5:38 Twitch
5:58 Vayne
6:33 Senna
7:23 Renata Glasc
8:02 Conclusion
8:30 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 12.8 Best support 12.8, best mid laners 12.8, best junglers 12.8, best top laners 12.8, patch 12.8 rundown, 12.8 lol, 12.8 changes, item buffs 12.8, preseason 12.8, chemtech drake 12.8, hextech drake 12.8, Mordekaiser 12.8 buffs, Aatrox 12.8 buffs, Vladimir 12.8 buffs, Poppy 12.8 buffs, Sejuani 12.8 buffs, Fiddlesticks 12.8 buffs, Zoe 12.8 buffs, Kassadin 12.8 buffs, Vel’koz 12.8 buffs, Xerath 12.8 buffs, Sylas 12.8 buffs, Ezreal 12.8 buffs, Tristana 12.8 buffs, Jhin 12.8 buffs, Bard 12.8 buffs, Seraphine 12.8 buffs, Pyke 12.8 nerfs, Soraka 12.8 nerfs, Jinx 12.8 nerfs, Xayah 12.8 nerfs, Kaisa adjustments, Swain rework

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42 thoughts on “10 BEST CARRIES For Any Elo in Patch 12.8 – League of Legends”

  1. I normally been Darius or Nasus Even though they are both pretty bad and my main has pretty good matchups into both of them. I really just don't like how much brain power you have to exert to beat them, so instead of giving myself a headache trying to beat them, I just ban them. When I'm fine exerting the brain power, I go back to my normal bands, which are usually Camille.

  2. QOTD: Evelyn, perma invis champion that if not tracked correctly or chooses to stray from her jg path can perma camp a lane into afking under their tower without being even there is an experience I refuse to have

  3. QOTD: Vayne and her semi twin sister Kai'sa you all know why: extremely high damage even in the early game; invisability and mobility (Vayne R Q and Kai'sa R Q as well and E maybe too as well as their 3 or 4 hit passives )

  4. QOTD: Master Yi. I'm low elo (Gold) and Noone in my elo knows how to beat this champ. The champ requires at max 2 brain cells to play and the rewards are really high…

  5. QOTD: absolutely Ahri, busted champ with almost no counter picks who doesn't lack of anything, but riot won't nerf her cuz she's an uwu weeb champ

  6. QotD: depending on role playing
    Mid- irelia or kassadin
    Jungle – shaco
    Support – shaco or yuumi
    Big fan of banning the annoying champs to play against because I play this game to have fun

  7. QOTD: Cassiopeia , i never ever won a single game against that champion i just dont understand how a champ can be so fast without boots deal so much dmg be tanky and got so much CC

  8. im in all kind of loop if i dont ban volibears i get fcked by bears on TOP but then i ban him and they pick my counter fiora or mordekaiser if i ban mordekaiser i get fcked by bears


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