10 BEST Early Season Carries To Climb With in Season 12 – League of Legends Patch 12.1

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0:00 Intro
0:20 Top lane
0:23 Shen
1:36 Akshan
2:28 Jungle
2:32 Nunu
3:13 Vi
4:01 QOTD
4:24 Mid Lane
4:27 Viktor
5:13 Kassadin
6:07 Bot Lane
6:10 Vayne
6:50 Jinx
7:54 Support
7:58 Lulu
8:32 Soraka
9:13 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 11.24 Best support 11.24, best mid laners 11.24, best junglers 11.24, best top laners 11.24, patch 11.24 rundown, 11.24 lol, 11.24 changes, item buffs 11.24, preseason 11.24, chemtech drake 11.24, hextech drake 11.24, gwen buffs 12.1, olaf buffs 12.1, kai’sa buffs 12.1, varus buffs 12.1, pyke buffs 12.1, glacial augment buffs 12.1, first strike nerfs 12.1, dr. mundo nerfs 12.1, kassadin nerfs 12.1, lux nerfs 12.1, vayne nerfs 12.1, talon nerfs 12.1,

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49 thoughts on “10 BEST Early Season Carries To Climb With in Season 12 – League of Legends Patch 12.1”

  1. Taliyah Support. Take Dark Harvest and you have a strong poke to bully them away from ur minions. Nice synergy with Jhin and Caitlin. And roaming is easy due to her passive and ult

  2. QOTD: Akali top with grasp and precision runes , it allows you to make a couple mistakes with akali and still come out on top but you struggle against mundo and tahm early game because you don't have enough damage. Otherwise late game becomes fun if you play to scale.

  3. QOTD: not sure if its so secret but ive been playing AP kai'sai mid with first strike and ive been sniping people with W and got my first penta 😀 (also farming with her Q is so easy)

  4. Ap bruiser Elise: nashor sunfire demonic. Her spiders do a ton of onhit damage and onhit healing and can apply it with q. Surprisingly does a lot of damage and scales well considering elise doesnt.

  5. Shen top is really not a top pick…the ultimate is too punishable…you ult away and a trynda, sett or any melee champ gonna take at least 3 platings. So either you get a double kill with your ult or it is not worth it….Love playing Shen tho

  6. QOTD: Blue Kayn Jungle with Eclipse, its off meta but it works well on the assassin boy very well due to his ult just make sure you prot it before and right after ult with his Q or W!

  7. You're absolutely delusional if you think Shen is top tier right now. He's one of, if not, the absolute worst picks you can possibly make in top lane this meta. You could pick ANY other top lane champion and snowball far better and guarantee a better chance of winning 1v9. Shen is not one of those champions that can snowball. His concept revolves around being a support that saves teammates that you can rely on while giving up your lead and just become a supportive bitch-boy to your team. Such concepts are easily exploited and have big flaws like having teammates or yourself as a liability, filling the void leftover by yourself to champions that benefit free-farm, and a singular useful ability that can be interrupted by a certain crowd control ability to name a few. He scales very bad into the late game and acts much like a support than a carry most of the early and late game. He doesn't have a lot of winning matchups, and as of right now, Gangplank is currently among the top tier top lane champions right now that happens to be the top counters to Shen top. He's heavily reliant on teammates that have a way to convert early leads into a victory. That's assuming that you DO have teammates that you can trust. Anyone you save early would be a pointless use of your ultimate if they end up just being useless toward the end. The chances of having good teammates that you can save and rely on are near zero. Is it sometimes or most of the time that you had teammates that grief or throw the game and get flamed for it? Anytime you use your ultimate, you give up most of your early lane advantage (if you even have one) and feed turret plates and a lot of creep score to your opposing top laner. It's a lot more punishing since most top laners being picked right now have far better snowball potential, and free farm is how they get ahead early and become a mid to late game threat. That's if you manage to get away with channeling your ultimate, because it's incredibly easy to interrupt and could potentially throw off whoever you save and create a lose-lose situation between yourself and your teammates. Not to mention he doesn't have any mythic items that are good on him. Sunfire Cape, now Sunfire Aegis, was never meant to be an item on him, and Frostfire Gauntlet is just a far worse version of Titanic Hydra, his former best in slot item that has long since forgotten ever since they removed its active. You no longer have the option to either be a carry or support or both ever since, and Shen has never been a good pick ever since Tiamat and Titanic Hydra has lost its power and Shen will never be a good champion again. Keep inhaling the copium.

  8. Ima correct you on what you Said abaut Vayne. She is super busted atm because of her biggest weakness – her low range – not being a problem anymore because of lethal tempo. So so dont go pta.

  9. shen build is incorrect, as core you always go frostfire gauntlet, then tabis or mercs, then demonic

    after that you can opt for randuins, deadman’s, force of nature, titanic, thornmail, warmogs

  10. Malphite mid is still strong as a poke mage and can roam and snowball hard. No one plays it though
    P.S. to any soraka players. If you are against a burst heavy team that wants to one shot you, just build crown of the shatterd queen. It's damage resist plus the bonus movement speed make it hard to burst you and is pretty op.


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