10 BEST Low Elo CARRIES For EASY LP on Patch 12.3 – League of Legends Season 12

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0:00 Intro
0:18 Top lane
0:22 Garen
1:13 Nasus
2:15 Jungle
2:19 Master Yi
3:23 Rammus
4:03 Mid Lane
4:07 Veigar
5:05 Ahri
6:06 QOTD
6:23 Bot Lane
6:26 Vayne
7:03 Jhin
7:55 Support
7:58 Blitzcrank
8:41 Xerath
9:48 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 12.4 Best support 12.4, best mid laners 12.4, best junglers 12.4, best top laners 12.4, patch 12.4 rundown, 12.4 lol, 12.4 changes, item buffs 12.4, preseason 12.4, chemtech drake 12.4, hextech drake 12.4, Aatrox buffs 12.4, illaoi buffs 12.4, amumu buffs 12.4, ashe buffs 12.4, lucian buffs 12.4, kalista buffs 12.4, xayah buffs 12.4, sett buffs 12.4, rumble buffs 12.4, neeko buffs 12.4, nami buffs 12.4, Zeri nerfs 12.4, dr. mundo nerfs 12.4, qiyana nerfs 12.4, veigar nerfs 12.4, blitzcrank nerfs 12.4, nunu nerfs 12.4, master yi nerfs 12.4,

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23 thoughts on “10 BEST Low Elo CARRIES For EASY LP on Patch 12.3 – League of Legends Season 12”

  1. So Garen is Op until what? silver 4 ? When do people understand he is one of the easiest champions to kite to death? Also his teamfight plan is run into the enemy team and silence a single target at melee range. If you can reach it before Q runs out. Oh and 75% of meta top laners counter him in the laning phase.

  2. "The counterplay to master yi is to COORDINATE burst damage, hit him with crowd control and shut down his split push"

    "Once he's ahead there's little players can do about him"

    EXACTLY what soloQ is about O_o. But…."he's fine" because he's not picked high elo. At least they are finally nerfing him….they refused to touch him for the longest time. Yi mains will be mad.

  3. Tbh full lethality garen is super good, people doesn't expect the damage output while being tanky thanks to his W, by the time you get serrated dirk and predator boots your enemy won't expect the dmg on your full combo


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