10 BEST Tips & Tricks to CLIMB in Season 12 – League of Legends Patch 11.24

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0:00 Intro
0:23 Tip #1
1:23 Tip #2
2:21 Tip #3
3:27 Tip #4
4:12 QOTD
4:32 Tip #5
5:20 Tip #6
6:24 Tip #7
7:46 Tip #8
8:20 Tip #9
9:20 Tip #10
9:51 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 11.24 Best support 11.24, best mid laners 11.24, best junglers 11.24, best top laners 11.24, patch 11.24 rundown, 11.24 lol, 11.24 changes, item buffs 11.24, preseason 11.24, chemtech drake 11.24, hextech drake 11.24, gwen buffs 11.24b, olaf buffs 11.24b, kai’sa buffs 11.24b, varus buffs 11.24b, pyke buffs 11.24b, glacial augment buffs 11.24b, first strike nerfs 11.24b, dr. mundo nerfs 11.24b, kassadin nerfs 11.24b, lux nerfs 11.24b, vayne nerfs 11.24b, talon nerfs 11.24b,

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36 thoughts on “10 BEST Tips & Tricks to CLIMB in Season 12 – League of Legends Patch 11.24”

  1. Abusing the meta and counters simply forces you to overwhelm your opponent with odds so

    In reality meta and counters abusers are the worst players but one trick players are probably the most skilled cause they managed to overcome there champions main weakness and made it into something they can benefit from

    Example we all probably saw a main darius top hard stomps vayne top

  2. I have a question that anyone can answer, last night I hit platinum for the first time, but I realized it was the preseason. Am I officially plat or does it not count? Started playing lol last season pardon my inexperience

  3. Qotd:Don’t just shove the wave every time you catch it, shoving the wave doesn’t mean you’re winning lane, unless you do something with the shoved wave, be it roaming or taking the turret

  4. qotd: i know that this game is not everything that exist in life but if you decide to start game make sure first that you have time to play it. it doesnt just include not afking cause you run out of time but whats even more important being in game from first second not from 1:30 because game starts at 00:00

  5. QOTD: Stop relying on your teamm8s so much. League is a team game but it's soloq, u can't control people that are playing with you, so stop flaming them if they play badly, don't say jg diff or any diff, because saying this doesn't mean anything, just focus on yourself and keep improving, that way even the worst games can be winnable. Especially this season when objective bounties are live and combacking is easier than ever.

    Ps. Don't report people for inting if they are just feeding. Not everyone is faker, even you, especially in low elos, everyone has bad games sometimes, sometimes the matchup is hard or anything. If someone is just dying too much it's because he or she is unskilled, u can't report for that and u can't prevent them for queueing for ranks. Intentional feeding is reportable, that means if someone is for example going into enemy turrets or just afking in lane to be killed. Dying due to his or her lack of skill is not inting! Deal with it, there are bad players on this game and most probably you are too, there is always gonna be someone better than u. That's how League works.


  6. QOTD: Dodge when…Teamates are already toxic in champ select, 2 or more autofills, 2 or more lose streaks, 2 or more who are 1st timing a champion, 2 or more with low win rate high sample rate, if YOU are autofilled, ***only dodge once or twice a day***, Dodge if team has an unbalanced/ poor synergy, and lastly DO NOT dodge promos or series, unless you played alot of ranked games.

    Also if you are…

    DO NOT dodge if:

    1-3 LP

    < 21LP

    Dodge if:

    0 LP

    > 21 LP

    Around 82 LP because of an extra game needed for promo series

  7. QOTD: I have a tip. If u hit gold / plat stop trolling urself by playing top lane if u wanna climb. The amount of effort u have to put into games + the fact that u are literally at the mercy of ur team for the first 14 mins is literally stopping u from climbing if u are a good player.

  8. Qotd: always look to see what you could’ve done better. Even when you pop off and you’re the only person on your team who played well, try and see what you could have done better. I.E. Roaming, Communicating, and sometimes even just one or two misplays.


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